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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. I actually liked some of the political drivel of XII. Certainly more entertaining than a soap opera.
  2. I was calling utter bullshit on the claims that a user influenced story will be weaker than a story without such influence. I'm leaving this at that to stop from going in circles as I'm sure we'd end up doing.
  3. Right, in your opinion, I'd say that's the taste thing I mentioned. Reading comprehension fail. I'm in agreement that beth's stories are poor but I won't deny the amount of detail in the game worlds history. Somewhat cliched? Yes. Well written stories with excellent character development despite that? Also yes. Not as good as a JRPG story? Opinion. I'm not trying to debate the difference in popularity, you simply said that any game with so much user influence on the story will undoubtedly weaken the plot. That's all well and good, but essentially false.
  4. Utter bullshit. Of the western RPGs I can think of off the top of my head, Two Worlds is the only one with a weak plot and ultimately unmemorable experience besides bad, I'll give you Bethesda's games as well for plot, although the story elements are quite vast. When it comes to WRPGs like Fallout (excluding 3 and the non RPGs) Planescape Torment, and Baldurs Gate they're just as memorable as any JRPG can be. I understand taste will factor in somewhere, but it's a fallacy to say a RPG with choice will be weaker in story than one without.
  5. Just about everything I've seen/read on the game indicates the story is pretty poor and the real reason to play is the battle system. From watching the battle system, it seems to me that FF has become nothing more than a crappy action game that takes far too long to become "good". Also for lols Last night, I got a xboxlive card at gamestop, and as usual the employee pushes pre-orders. He askes about FFXIII and I promptly tell him it will be terrible, his response Famitsu gave it 39/40 and they're some of the toughest reviewers out there. He said it with a straight face even, there were other customers so I left it that.
  6. Jennifer Hale? She was in all the Prime games I believe, doing the grunts for jumping/landing getting hit etc.
  7. I thought the series has historically done better in the PAL regions than in the US? Perhaps offering the demo is their way of trying to expand more in the US while hoping Europes previous fans are still there.
  8. Now we need a remake that looks just like that.
  9. People would have noticed even faster, his comic has been available for a while now I believe, since sometime in 09 at least. I like Kubo's Tweet though.
  10. loooooool To me a similar character design=whatever, but when they're not only in the same pose, but the images overlay near perfectly... In the second link, one of the comments says something about not really being Nick Simmons comments, but kinda irrelevant.
  11. The wonderful RPG known as Grandia has been added to the US PSN. People, if you haven't played Grandia do eeet. Playing Grandia 3 does not count, as it was shite compared to 1&2.
  12. I'm agreeing with you is what I was getting at. I didn't specifically mention the T just the text as a whole, from the colors to the "T".
  13. I thought that was included under the "Keep the 'Dragon Quest' text the same" statement.
  14. You were the spy 9 years before the spy. Hmmm hair...well it just sort of grows out of the top of my head, and occasionally gets trimmed. I suppose the style would be don't care.
  15. I think a fusion of the two would have been better. Lose the giant peach, keep the "Dragon Quest" text the same as before, I prefer the new "IX" (not red I mean) and I'm indifferent to how the subtitle is placed and the swirly wind.
  16. I don't see what you're getting at.
  17. You lucky bastards get the better name and the game before the US.
  18. You're just being rude now.
  19. Needs more innuendo.
  20. Yet somehow, this is perhaps the best thread of the day.
  21. I'd say you're a bad person but....well you are the most positive person here.
  22. ......Wat?
  23. Pretty sure it's true, heard about it on the radio yesterday morning. Rather silly of Apple, but that's just the way they are. They play by their own rules that they make up as they go.
  24. Well, I thought that's what you meant but figured I should get it cleared up. triple lol?
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