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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. You're already past this point, but for others it's spoilered.
  2. Emasher, that is certainly the best summary of 4chan I've ever seen.
  3. Stay out of any of the 18+ boards. There can be some pretty good threads elsewhere though, but just know that someone will always come along to disagree and insult you. But it's ok because they are anonymous, and so are you.
  4. Tierkreis was a pretty good game, although apparently not upto normal Suikoden standards for story. A good long adventure though.
  5. I unlocked the Paladin class, at lvl 1 with good equipment his defense was higher than the lvl 15 Thief and lvl 25 Priest. About half of the 26 Warrior though. Just did my first Treasure map...It went well until the boss....I had a single survivor. A good rule of thumb, do not go into a treasure quest if anyone is under leveled, my Thief and Paladin were both below 20 (the Pally was below 10 actually....) they were the first to go.
  6. Don't feel less special on my account though, it actually released here. The rest of them though....they're just cheaters. Know what's better than a Metal Slime? A Metal Medley.
  7. Yea...that's exactly what I meant.:awesome: Really though, I'm not a big fan of DC characters.
  8. Hooooly shit. I just realized that I typed in Aquaman instead of Green Lantern like I meant to type. The point still stands, but I was trying to insult Green Lantern. And none of you could point out how irrelevant and fucking stupid I was being. Thanks guys.
  9. Aquaman is like....the worst hero. Dunno if this has made the rounds yet.
  10. Well I've got close to 22 hours now. My only complaint is that at times the framerate drops, and I have no one to play with. Hardly the games fault though that my friends suck.
  11. Nolan

    Killzone 3

    Not having a mode like that is their loss. Horde and Firefight easily got more playtime than either games campaign for me.
  12. Finished up FMA Brotherhood. About 100 times better than FMA which had poor pacing and was rather...stupid. Also, I'm bored so I'm going to go through TTGL again since it's been a while and it's still awesome....now if Japan would just put Kamina and Kittan into a buddy cop series....
  13. I enjoyed it, but...it just leaves you with a feeling of .
  14. Nolan

    Killzone 3

    The original game only had Split Screen for Multiplayer, but not the campaign.
  15. Nolan

    Killzone 3

    Co-operatively holding out against waves of enemies. If you still have it, pop in ODST which has Fire Fight. Horde belongs to Gears 2. The game modes are an absolute blast, although I'd attribute much of that to good level design and variation of enemies. Not the strongest points of Killzone, of course more than half the maps in Horde mode are terrible.
  16. Yea, 100K per engine would be rather terrible. We've got a 91 Civic SI with 296K sitting in the backyard. Original engine and all, but about 7 years ago the head gasket needed to be replaces. My dad pulled the head off got a new gasket....and has let it sit in the yard for years. Put it back together though and do some other maintenance (tires, seats, oil etc.) and we could squeeze another 4K out of it easily and roll to 300k.
  17. Not even just American made cars though, it's very common to see an old Honda or Toyota still on the road with very high mileage.
  18. My first truck was above 200K (actually started below when I got it), and my current truck has 160K. I think most Americans (well those who aren't going into continual debt buying the newest of everything) go well over 100K with vehicles. I've only ever seen really New/Collectible cars be below.
  19. Gigantic I don't even....What? Number/Larger Number
  20. Mature Games? Really? Xbox Live as of the Xbox era, meh. XBL as of the 360, yes I'd call that a milestone....if I also choose to ignore Steam. Citing Online Gameplay as being a shift of the last decade is pretty misleading as well. People were playing Doom online Deathmatch and co-op back when it released, and it was replaced by the Quake series (which still has players today). It wasn't particularly archaic or unfathomable at the time either, it was just on PCs and GT is so very biased against PCs (ala number 1, which I actually agree with) they play off online as being barely possible until consoles began to do it more PC like (since they did have some pretty wacky multiplayer attempts on the SNES/Megadrive).
  21. While what you say is true, some of my friends did the same thing. Bought DQVIII for the FFXII demo, and while they did at least play DQVIII I don't think they finished it and said they didn't really like it. It's reasonable to assume that there are other groups of people that did the same, although to assume that they never played or never enjoyed the game isn't reasonable but still possible.
  22. Well I picked it up about 7 hours ago today...still haven"t had a chance to play yet though. I shall start shortly.
  23. Most engies are absolute morons. Sure 3 SGs right next to each other can shoot a lot of bullets, but one demo who isn't a moron will blow all 3 up with ease. Depending on the level of the SG and RL/DH a soldier can do the same easily and even a heavy or pyro with lvl 1's (or a good heavy medic combo).
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