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Everything posted by ReZourceman

  1. - Advance Wars - Metroid - Donkey Kong - Surprises - Banter - Hats - Lowlz - Cool amiibos - Epic bantz - 3D Mario - F-Zero - Polarium Squared - Picross Cubed - Fifa Black Ops : Ultimate Banter Edition
  2. I've got my work calendar now but yeah 25th is defo best for me.
  3. If anyone got an XL T-Shirt from the Nintendo store and wants to trade it with me, let me know. Things of interest; - Lightning trophie - Link hat - Personalised drawing of you - Love - Money. Lots of money.
  4. Example of the absolute mayhem that went down. Didn't get any footage of the hot photo booth chicks Peeps and I shagged.
  5. THANK YOU! Cancelling at Shopto.
  6. Had an awesome day! Queues ranged from small to walk-on. Longest one was I'm A Celebrity which was largely bollocks. Had some great bants though, lots of crowd interaction, smooth-talking photo booth employees and having #SickTimez. (Cheers Peeps) Lolz. Four player Sonic Air Hockey. What could have been.
  7. Very eager to read it! Will hopefully pick it up soon.
  8. Hang on. What was the level cap when I last played? Has it already gone up in anticipation of House Of Wolves?
  9. Correct me if I'm wrong (literally, correct me if I'm wrong. I'm not using it in the same way as the saying "correct me if I'm wrong" I'm basically saying "I don't know" but; Assuming it comes out, is it not already a success? The reason that 30,000 sales is nothing for other games is because it might not make profit/that kind of thing, whereas this game is made by 7 people, so....there's less to get lost in a company. If they've covered things like external providers (orchestra, production of physical copies) in the stretch goals, does it matter how many it sells? If they've all made enough money to live off for the few years this will have taken....they might just do it all again? I could be chatting complete shit.
  10. Got burned out, but I'll be back on House Of Wolves. Seeing as I've paid for it and all.
  11. Ask and ye shall receive. (Although you have to put up with me being extra-dickie).
  12. Incredible. Absolutely incredible. I've only seen two episodes of the new one but I too have been surprisingly impressed. There's a lot to like. I actually filmed a review a few weeks ago....might actually get it up.
  13. Yes. 30,000 individual brain turds have travelled from my mind, through my fingers and into your eyes. I thought I'd do something special, seeing as N-Europe became a very important part of my life, and whilst I don't post as much anymore, the lasting effects literally touch my everyday life - there are several people I'm contacting every day and I've made some of my most favoured friends through dis place, ennet. From the early days, the crazy massive thread bants; "How Was Your Day" used to be a thing, I believe. The rivalries and my arch-nemesis (Zechs may or may not agree, but having an arch-nemesis is a pretty cool thing, so respect to him for that). I've known a lot of you for coming up to ten years. That's over a third of my life. Of course, I decided to mark this occasion...or milestone by expressing my feelings in the only way I know how; in video form. So here is a collection of moments that I still have/access to/etc that I threw together. A genuine thank you to all of you, I've made some incredible, incredible friendships and I look forward to seeing you again soon. xxx P.S. thanks to @MoogleViper for actually giving me a heads up about the post count.
  14. I have a childish sense of humour sometimes. I like to be childish sometimes. I still like toys and make noises. Yeah.
  15. We've found out about the re-shuffle in our department. I don't know how to feel about it. On the one hand....there are some better paid new roles that have been created....but I don't really like the sound of any of them. Also, the difficulty is, basically there are 9 "high paid" roles, and then the rest are just normal/as I'm on at the moment. One of the main criticisms in the job is lack of area for progression. Six of these 9 roles are already taken. I mean, they of course said that everything is up for grabs, but then afterwards (outside the meeting) said that any persona already on a "high paid" role, will maintain that - and of course, I'd expect that. So that means really there are only 3 new roles. And there are about 4 or 5 people that have been there a good long time, and with good skills. One of the people I work with is evil. Literally the most manipulative little bitch I've ever encountered. She said when we found out ; (to me) ; "Michael, you should definitely go for X job". "Oh really? I though X Person would go for X Job" "No, she's going for Y job" "Oh okay, cheers". Turns out X Person has precisely zero interest in Y job and is going for X Job (which, she will definitely get. The role is essentially written for her). So she was just wanting me to not go for the job she wants. Its irritating because no managers/people in power realise what a cunt she is. Ugh. Basically all this annoyance, uncertainty and the way they have gone about delivering the news, and how everyone has to apply for what they want as a free-for-all, coupled with the fact that my AMAZING manager is retiring AND that I was COMPLETELY mugged off earlier in the week AND on top of all that we got told we aren't having a bonus....it has made my motivation drop to complete zero. Might apply for a marketing job in the same building (different company). Still so hacked off that I got cunted on the marketing job. So fishy. Everyones been coming up to me about it. Serious shit going down in the company. I 100% want out now. Job market is tough though, which is fucking annoying. I just absolutely have no interest in the company now, I want their posion out of my life. I know everyone says this, (and in a lot of cases it's obviously true) but my talents are SO wasted there. It's mind boggling. Can't FRUK be my job yet?
  16. Incredible. The big players are morons for not releasing more 3D platformers and this could not be a more satisfying way to shine a light on the egg on their faces. This will be my first Kickstarter too.
  17. 30,000?! Fucking hell, that's insane. I'll have to think of something special now.

  18. I....I'm not 100% sure I'd enjoy that, but I'd be happy to do it for Superman Returns. :p
  19. Got completely and utterly FUCKED at work. Basically, I've always wanted a job in the marketing department. I applied. Showed a few people my CV and covering letter and they all said it was fucking incredible, and when the job role went up, everyone in the department was like "Well that's ReZ's new job then". I've been there for 4 years and the stuff I've been doing for FRUK/YouTube combined with my customer service experience make me....basically incredible for the role. My two friends (been there for 11 months and 9 months respectively) also both applied. And another chick in another department also applied. I have the experience of YouTube/design etc, and all three of them have none in that area. They all got interviews and I didn't. Gave me some hilariously bull shit reason for not taking my application forward too. One of a few things has happened; - My head of department stopped the application/arranged something because I'm too valuable to lose. - Someone in marketing doesn't like me. - They were telling the truth and they're just ignorant/fucking stupid. I was extremely upset yesterday. My manager took me aside and I broke down a bit. I've waited four years and this is the first job in marketing that has been entry level and that has been offered internally, and I got absolutely fucked. Eveyone is fucking stunned that I got snubbed. It's mental. We're having a meeting tomorrow about changes to the CS team, and rumour has it they have a role lined up for me. But I don't want to work in CS - who does? Cannot believe this shit. It has absolutely destroyed my motivation and desire to work hard in the job. I've worked SO hard over the last four years, but they've just fucked it. The rewards are minute. We were also told that we won't be getting a bonus this quarter too which is good. Pathetic. It's fine though, I can just walk around and have extra long breaks, generally just take the piss if that gets you the same place as working your arse off.
  20. Standard. Although bombshell; I'll only be staying for the Saturday. Dat wedding ain't gonna fund itself. #SuperScrimper
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