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Everything posted by ReZourceman

  1. Well it's Nintendo HD remember. #TrollBantz
  2. Same. Well it's 2 now.
  3. Anyone got a YouTube link?
  4. As always; Advance Wars plz.
  5. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Absolutely love the song. Sickz.
  6. Uggghhhh. Claire and I are going through a rough patch. She is currently sitting next to me with her ring off, back in the box. Brilliant. I hate everything right now. Job sux. Life sux. Banter. Lads. Stress. Epic. Fail. Blog.
  7. Hi. Does anyone have any experience at all with this? I've read the government page, and it seems reasonably clear, but basically, Claire's place of work is looking like it's moving from Aylesbury to Harrow (30 miles), and we/she is concerned about her rights. I've heard rumours of a 14 mile limit for relocation, or needing to offer redundancy etc, but it's all very unclear, and she is extremely stressed about the situation. Obviously it will all be different depending on contracts, but does anyone have any experience.
  8. I tried to go the angle of getting them to fix the past wrongs and loss of exposure by getting them to use my videos in future with proper credit, of which I gave them future permission provided they did so, but who knows if they'll actually do that. Probably not. Other than that I managed to squeeze £100 out of them. Not enough to topple the empire.
  9. Stats popped up for me once, when I first surpassed you n00bs.
  10. I'd be aiming to be better than consoles that came out two years ago (over, by the time it releases), not as good as. If that report is true.
  11. This is fucking bullshit. I hate you guys.
  12. Chloe > Every man, woman and child in the world. Wish I still had the video of me pissing on Dwarf and Cooky on Unch 2 co-op.
  13. Wow. That looks stunning. Where?
  14. Good controller, good online ; nailed it. Gimmick bullshit, same online ; fucked it. I'll start getting pre-emptively excited when I see a controller.
  15. I'd very much be up for joining you but I'm really busy at the moment, the little gaming time I'm managing to fit in I'm dedicating to Uncharted. Good luck.
  16. Interesting how wildly different all of our opinions are. I'm not sure anyone agrees on the three as a whole.
  17. ^^^^ Correct.
  18. Samezzzzzzzzzzz.
  19. U3 was a piece of piss. Well, I am the Uncharted King though....so.... (Joking apart, there was one tricky shooting section that I remember being fucking hard, but it's all about finding the right cover and moving pattern, keep on moving around the bottom ring of that section)
  20. You purchased a PS4. It was bound to happen./
  21. Dat SHIELD doe. Hnnggg.
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