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Everything posted by ReZourceman

  1. I used to use Infinity Games and Psi Soft for things like that but don't know what they're like now. Could try local comic book store too.
  2. We'd love to have you on as a guest actually.
  3. We've tried to make them shorter. Also think of them more as total laddage bants rather than LPs.
  4. Ite. So you may know that once upon a time I started a gaming channel, amongst my many others. Unfortunately I didn't have the time commitment to keep up with it, with my hundreds of other channels - and it quickly fell to the by...land, standing, places. Anyway, to cut a long story I found a loyal partner in Goafer who has graciously taken on most of the work load, and we feel that we now want to start promoting it. We've been running it for a few months now, trying to get into our groove, and finding our feet, so we'd very much appreciate any feedback you have. We have had some minor audio issues, which we're working on, but yeah...other than that, we would REALLY appreciate it if you guys watched the videos, and hopefully you enjoy them and you give us a cheeky subscription. Some choice quotes https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuvxtcDOJPjFdwSmaSMSjFQ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuvxtcDOJPjFdwSmaSMSjFQ
  5. Lol, yeah my bad. I can get easily agitated pissed off and walking down a cunted Bond Street when I was hot and tired was dat snap point. Was great to see everyone again. Got some sick vybez snaps esn't et. Not enough Ninja doe! Y'all were bitches. Next year, I'd like it if toilet breaks/lunch runs were somewhat more co-ordinated? It kinda seemed like as soon as we got a full group, we lost one to food (which is not exactly super close if you make the trip to Tesco/whatever) then loads of separate groups of toilet bants. Anyway, just a thought. Still had a cracking time.
  6. What time we meeting at Hyde Park (The Cock Pit I assume) tomorrow?
  7. My niece is utterly absurdly adorable.
  8. So, I am super super pumped about this game, but a lot of the designs are a bit ropey. Like, too many of the designs are a bit ropey. The best ones so far, are largely the Alola ones. Why can't they do more designs that looked super sick like the first three gens, mostly I loved all of them. Like. Nowadays, it's like there's so few actual ones that you'd consider for your team. Like I say, still super pumped though.
  9. Holy crap, that giant light up fish is tremendous. He has made it into my team.
  10. Good luck Iun, dats some shitty stuff. Find a women who will shower you with LEGO. Literally, if you're into that kind of thing.
  11. Next Saturday esn't et.
  12. Isn't it though. Not a colossal uptick, but it's cool to be getting comments and stuff. Weirdly/coincidentally, its a few days after the most views in one day we've ever had (and it's not like it's steadily increasing, it's very up and down, but yeah). But as I say, very cool, and the little bit of extra attention is cool. The first peak is it on Lad Bible Twitter, and the second peak is it on Lad Bible Instagram, the day after. Shame there was no credit and channel name wasn't in it.
  13. Can't wait for this. Lots of non-Pokemon friends have expressed interest too, it's really cool.
  14. I'm essentially confirmed, but I'll be bowing out mildly early/before Loading bants isn't it.
  15. Yeah I just read Civil War II issues 1 - 3. Really, really enjoyed them! Dafuq at issue 3 though. Howzat.
  16. 100% Salandit is in my team. Oh like. Fine.
  17. 100% Salandit is in my team. Oh like. Fine.
  18. Incredible incredible incredible.
  19. Go to Busch Gardens too. It's an hour away from the other parks but well, well, well worth it.
  20. Holy crap incredible, well done dude.
  21. I hype me please.
  22. A super flamboyantly homosexual man has recently joined work. I got talking to him a bit more today. I asked him what his favourite colour was. He said it was obvious. I said ".....Pink?" and he actually meant red, in reference to the shirt he was wearing. Died.
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