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Everything posted by ReZourceman

  1. "They fit in the palm of your hand just right....and feel very natural"...if you're a Borrower. HHHHHHHNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG COLOURS YES
  2. This is sounding extremely solid so far, and it's a nice put together presentation.
  3. That's seven weeks today....jeez.
  4. Yeah, I didn't either hear or understand?
  6. Have they said how long it is? Wow that's sooner than I expected.
  7. 40 seconds to go. What a terrible time for my body to advise me I need to defecate. Hmmm.
  8. Set my alarm for 3:53 and I can see a lot of you are up on here too. Good work/dedication folks. Lets hope dat hype is worth it. I'm hopeful.
  9. What's the UK time of this stream then guize?
  10. But then you would have seen it a day early, but perhaps not watched it at midnight.....with the cast! Things happen for a reason (I believe that they do not actually, but this was a happy coincidence). I really enjoyed it. I share the sentiments of others regarding CGI. Should have been more in shadow/less movement.
  11. Hnnnggggg.
  12. I've had problems with them. Most recent ones; - Sent me an e-mail on the release day of Tomb Raider saying it had been dispatched. Annoyed as it should have been sent early, obviously. - But....they had sent it. Except they'd sent it to my billing address not delivery address. - Thus, I was pissed off at work for no reason. - Pokemon Moon, they cancelled the order about a week ago for no reason. Cracking! 100% not ordering again.
  13. I purchased a similar item to this recently so I can plug it into my Pober Wank. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/USB-charging-Charger-lead-cable-adapter-plug-for-3DS-XL-3DS-DSi-XL-DSi-DS-Lite-/201170559234?hash=item2ed6b32102:g:QQUAAOSwxH1UFYA3
  14. Yeah, Shopto also dispatched mine today. So excited. Feels good man.
  15. Just get Moon instead.
  16. Pre-ordered from Shopto and SimplyGames. SimplyGames have cancelled my order (no idea why, so that's decent), so hopefully Shopto will come through. Can only imagine my rage if I'd only pre-ordered at Simply. Good old faithful though.
  17. Haaaaaaaaa.
  18. I essentially just got stung by this (YT homepage), but averted my eyes pretty quickly so can't be sure exactly what I saw. Vaguely though.
  19. Wow, how does that happen?
  20. Your ham comments were incredible.
  21. I hate that so many people are happy.
  22. And I will weep with joy.
  23. Feel free to rename the profession thread. Bonus question at the bottom. COPY AND PASTE FOR EASY BANTICS/ANTICS/BANTER 1) What's your dream job? 2) What are you actually doing? 3) Did you ever envision yourself in what you're doing now? ------- 1) What's your dream job? As most people probably know, I'd like to be a professional YouTuber. Professional in the sense that it's my job, not professional in the sense that I'd be projecting some kind of adult life...image. Thing. I'm getting there. Still no idea if it will ACTUALLY happen. Growth is static (as in, I'm consistently getting 350 subscribers a month) on Food Review UK, so really this needs to actually grow month on month in order to become a reality, but I mean...it IS getting there. There IS progress, across all my channels. I'm about 15% of the way to it being possibly realistic as a job. 2) What are you actually doing? I'm a manager for a customer services team for an award winning st ock br ok er. I've worked there for five years, started off as a call handler and got promoted last year. 3) Did you ever envision yourself in what you're doing now? I mean, not in the management role now. I only really applied for it because I was one of the most experienced people in the department, was totally burned out after 9 ish years of customer services phone roles, and the department had a shake up so all roles were up for grabs. It was my third choice, out of three and I didn't expect to get it. Not even a tiny bit of me thought I'd get THAT role. But I did. I don't,....like it. But it has it's ups and downs. In comparison to lots of other things its far better. It can be very tough and it's largely without thanks, but it's definitely a different kind of stress/pressure/disenjoyment in comparison to the phone role. Meh. I'm alright at the people side of it I suppose. Compassionate, motivating and human....I think. BLAH. WORDS. You?
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