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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. Wow, that's embarrassing.
  2. uktTb.jpg


    I'll just leave this here.

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  3. My increase was okay. My lowly young midfielder should get a double jump next change report I hope. I'm predicting Haden to win next season. Also, Bubbles if you win, you can take over as the head of the Hurricanes
  4. Have you ever had anyone point out it is on the wrong arm?
  5. Are you talking 7 seats? Ford C-Max or whatever it is called is supposedly quite good on the mpg from a biased Dad who works for Ford :p I get 50mpg out of my fiesta 1.6 which is good because I don't have the money to be wasting on petrol at the moment.
  6. Yeah there are a few things on the podcasts where it sounds like he has it all planned just to act stupid. I know it is all good hearted ribbing against what Karl says but after so long you wonder how he doesn't just tell Ricky and Steve he no longer wants to be seen as an idiot anymore.
  7. Hey, Eights can take one for the team. Sorry Tales, but it means you won't have a long off season that you so clearly hate :p Least you should be likely to be promoted the season after!
  8. Buy the boxset. Just a suggestion.
  9. Lol X11 talk :p Benfica taken the lead! Good shot though. I'm watching the Man City game and Napoli forward hit the bar, was a great chance and Yaya Toure just smashed the bar! Good game this. And @Ramar, I agree about the early stages being quieter but even those in attendance weren't really singing along like usual, seemed strange because normally crowd get behind the players well.
  10. Finally completed Mass Effect! Great game.
  11. Was at the match last night. Was good to watch because our side looked faster and more nimble in midfield which was a change. The crowd got annoyed that the team are still slow in pushing forward though and Malouda looked so lazy. Torres had quite a decent game actually but still got stick which I didn't think he deserved. Crowd was quite quiet actually, no-one carried on the chants as they went round =/
  12. You're also losers :p Hurricanes I expect you boys to be with me next season retaining our title. Mr J7 better step up to the plate and get us some more points so it isn't down to me next season I hope :p
  13. I think I may have forgotten about it last week Damn!
  14. I've noticed that I've gotten heavier and look more fuller now, so all this exercise is doing me good. I was in a sports shop the other day and saw some weighted gloves, I was thinking of getting them, I need gloves for my weights because they are starting to tear up my hand with the heavier weights. Weighted or not weighted gloves, that is the question!
  15. Too chavvy looking. Or are the black parts just for show?
  16. Flatlands Based on a book written in 1884 supposedly commenting on the victorian classes. Basically in 2D land, every shape is simply 2D and 3D is unheard of until the great 3D Sphere prophet comes. Such a weird film. Good in place, less good in others. Funny though.
  17. And with that slightly amusing bombshell, let's thrip.
  18. You can move it onto like 150 press ups etc but that'll be boring by then.
  19. Well I will move on once I've done it bit its building me up at the moment. So I reckon I could now do about 50 whereas it was 30 before I think. I haven't tried.
  20. Flink's post about the gym thread dying reminded me to post saying I'm currently trying out the 100 press up and 100 sit up (seperately not together) exercise challenge. There is an app recommended to me by @Diageo and I've kept with it. Every two days it tells me how many to do in short bursts and gives me rest time and then a little alarm to say go on to the next set! I'm now up to 110 press ups and 130 sit ups but with breaks in between. Hopefully I'll keep up with this because I got bored of doing weights and seem to go in phases :p
  21. After looking at the final results I'm thinking we may have sneaked a win in the alliance challenge as well :p We simply blow away any competition. We're the HURRICANES.
  22. The review was very succinct and professional with a little bit of casual attitude I thought which made it more enjoyable to read. I think I'll avoid your "Paj! mode" review though :p
  23. This political image of 9/11 can be interpreted in so many different ways. Most of them I had to read to grasp it-nabbed off Reddit.
  24. A good review even though I don't read an DC comics. I'm glad the article wasn't overexploited with "Cunt" everywhere.
  25. I think the situation has changed. No-one really cares about post count. Also Nikos was not spamming :p He may genuinely have seen trolls when he went to Norway and had to tell people!
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