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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. Unfortunately, I didn't have the taste to change it :p Ashley did it for me without my knowing! But I'll take the thanks anyway:p

  2. No unfortunately not. We were just a regular 5-a-side team that played in a university league. Kind of disbanded now that we've all finished uni, but many of us are hoping for a reunion in London to start up again.
  3. Good work! If you're ever planning on going on tour, you can play my 5-a-side team Bagel FC! We aren't very good though :p
  4. Fixed for you :p
  5. Friends was/still is great. One of few shows I can simply watch again and again. So many classic episodes (mainly from the first few series). Even though the end you could tell it wasn't what it was I wouldn't say there was a bad episode.
  6. Good, just making sure
  7. Forever and ever?
  8. Oh I didn't know you were basing it upon myths I thought you were just following a similar Hercules like route. The stories of Zeus don't portray him in a positive light I agree :p Not a big fan of monogamy was Zeus.
  9. No fair! I can't do any better :p FUUUUUUU Jay! :p
  10. I think I might stop playing, these breaks/ inactivity from people playing or running the games ruins it for me.
  11. Having just checked up on the predictions, there is a front runner so far but I won't be guessing just yet because many points are still to play for!
  12. Tales, you should always put prize money on the match!
  13. Okay, Marcamillan has said nothing. Has to be mafia. Vote: Marcamillan This game is dying.
  14. Intergalaticos trying to play super defensive Odwin-esque play but luckily my dominant force proved too much! Pretty much a decider on Friday against Bru! Also, Jay went down and Bubbles went up, congrats! meaning the Hurricanes members can remain albeit switched around!
  15. Other end of the country or in another country altogether, it is still the annoyance that they aren't as close as you would like really.
  16. Overload of faces in that post :p Sounds like a good weekend though!
  17. I love Alex, say it isn't so AVB!
  18. It is someone different now so remove vote. Why don't we just have a mass role reveal? Who uses guns?
  19. Ooooh good point. Vote: Diageo
  20. Mr-Paul Jayseven EEVIL Myself ReZ Diageo Esequiel All my pm's from Paj have said they are an X-man except for ReZ...
  21. They said on the radio, once in the second half Wenger got of the bench and said something which surprised them!
  22. Good, its hard to read Elites losing 3-0 twice as being best result! Should be Elites 2 Haden United 0
  23. Fergie? :p Yeah, it was pretty hard watching. The goals and the movement by United was fantastic. I thought Djourou was pathetic today and couldn't remember really when I saw him put in a good performance, no conviction. Felt sorry for Arsenal's keeper (won't even try to spell his name) didn't have a chance with most of those goals. De Gea shouldn't have let in Walcott's goal really, lucky it didn't matter!
  24. I was silenced yesterday yet again. Rez is still only person I've had a non xman result about. What have your results been for last few days Rez? Its strange people know you're an investigator yet nothing has happened to you yet I've been silenced several times!! vote:rez
  25. Haden your week 6 write up is week 4's I haven't lost to Bruce twice this season (yet!).
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