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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. The last page of the latest Invincible is awesome!
  2. I caught the anime the other day and their voices are a lot better than on this. I feel like Professor Layton's sidekick has a secret twin who is football crazy rather than riddle crazy. The actual game itself is great although I wish games were longer! I take ages to decide who I want to play, I've become quite connected to several players and want them all to play!
  3. Honestly, that is weird. did you constantly talk pokemon with him the whole time? That might explain it :p
  4. Yeah apparently it is your male side to blame, although women can get it for many different reasons as opposed to men who is predominantly hereditary. You say your Dad has had it a few times? I was hoping this was a one-off!
  5. Yeah, I had an ultrasound on my leg (didn't find any babies in there :p). It was weird seeing how my screwed up part reacted. Was very enlightening and humbling that so much is going on inside me at once. Basically, they will put me to sleep and the cut open the back of my leg further down (the actual issue is just behind my knee) and insert a needle which will travel up through the vein to the issue and then pull part of it out or so I'm told. Then my body will sort itself out and because medical advances have been made for this procedure no nasty scar is left apparently you can barely see it or it'll look like a freckle. They said I won't feel pain until 3-4 days later because it is inside a vein so it'll take longer for the nerves to react or something. It can be easily sorted out so if your sister does unfortunately have it then no need to fret Can she not see lumps on her leg? When I stand up a decent sized lump appears where the blood is piling up. I haven't had any massive pain but if left the guy warned it could get a lot worse and really screw my leg up in the future with no way to sort it out which was quite scary. I think he meant if I left it for a lot longer but still rather scary.
  6. Going to have surgery on the 27th to sort my leg out. Even putting me under anaesthetic and the operation should take like an hour. Managed to sort it out before I start work which is great!
  7. Parkour Cat:
  8. He kept calling me a fag via video message thing so I just laughed off his accent and asked him why he thought I was a fag, and he went into a proper long explanation about how I lost the first game and then won the second luckily and then drew which made me a fag or something.He gave an indepth description of me with other guys which was kind of weird. His use of vocabulary and his northern accent made me laugh a lot and it just mixed very badly so I was enjoying toying with him.
  9. Good luck Ramar!
  10. Sorry Tales, Jay isn't for sale!
  11. I'm trolling some guy who drew with me on Fifa, he's going crazy. that and the fact Inazuma Eleven FINALLY arrived is the highlight of my day. Going to the hospital later to finally sort out my leg, wonder what they'll say!
  12. Thanks Haden. Peeps was considering a loan move to my alliance last night but I told him no, I have no plans to get rid of either Emo or Bubbles.
  13. Yeah I always heard their general health was of a good standard. Although after looking at many reviews of hotels it does seem they don't care about the health of any tourists/customers they may have.
  14. No he went for the job at Birkbeck University
  15. I already made a joke in the chatroom about that :p Yours was funnier though.
  16. Apparently, fee agreed for Meireles by Chelsea. I'm genuinely surprised.
  17. Tevez'll be happy with new re-design of snoods: http://www.ideasbynet.com/tuggz.htm :p Also good one Mr-Paul!
  18. Yeah, just make it super awkward tomorrow when he turns up for training looking stupid because he makes it clear he wanted to leave... On in chatroom if people want to have a little chat whilst the clock is ticking down..?
  19. Sneijder just tweeted saying he is staying at Inter (Sky Sports went on a break before revealing :p).
  20. Apparently if you go back through checkpoints later on in a level different things are happening, like officers investigating what has happened. Saw it on Reddit, wondered if anyone had done this? It sounds pretty cool.
  21. Were they the ones that were swearing/ making rude gestures? I was away from the TV but heard an apology from the presenters. Spurs rejected £40million for Modric. Ridiculous from both perspectives, he isn't worth that (I think £20) and Spurs are silly for not accepting it!
  22. The dickheads in the background on SSN are annoying, in particular Arsenal fans, but guess I shouldn't expect much from them ay :p
  23. SSN saying Arteta back on, think it would be a great signing for Arsenal. He's worth more than £10million I think.
  24. I was wondering if anyone had ventured over to the well known Cuba for perhaps travelling or a holiday or even just to piss of the Americans? I'm looking to go on holiday there next May to meet up with some friends travelling around the world and really would like some advice on Cuba in general and any hotels they may recommend. Anything else Cuba related is welcome here as well. I was told the population are so poor over there that people take pencils as gifts to give to children or tips to workers during their travels. Not sure how true this really is though :p
  25. Just to comment on the 'can I buy you a drink' cliche, is it really overused? I don't know of people ever actually using it. I reckon it probably is the best way to get a conversation flowing.
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