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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. Eurgh I have the boxset just sitting there in my room, half way through season 1. Had the WHOLE summer free, why have I not watched this?
  2. Good work Heroic!
  3. Still two goals less :p that is my only point :p
  4. 2 goals in 2 games for Torres. How's Carroll doing?
  5. Happy Birthday to Peepster's Rovers' Manager! May your day be full of awesome
  6. I mean this in the nicest way possible Diageo but you're a bit of a slut :p
  7. Great write-up. Personally even as current champions I would put Haden and Rovers as potential favourites with their current squads.
  8. Me too. I'm one of those that shuts down the lid due to all the bacteria that escapes if the lid is left up and the toilet is then flushed.
  9. Since you've given me a reason for why you need to go past the deadline I shall allow it. No later than Friday though!
  10. I have no idea who the guy with the scar on his face is. I've got all the members and finally started doing their loyalty missions. Such a good game I have nothing but praises except this bug earlier when talking to Thane that just had me looking at the top of his head and it crashed
  11. I've heard the Bangor joke from somewhere before. TV show perhaps? It seems like quite a good speech though, good luck!
  12. I'm started playing Mass Effect 2 and love it. At first the changes were hard to understand (hacking etc all changed to something completely different) but now I've gotten the hang of it. I just recruited Tali and the battle was amazing. They give you 3 methods to attack in the final push and I felt a sense of achievement when I managed to overcome those pesky geth. I'm enjoying the effects of completing missions in ME1 as well now. Good to see old faces .
  13. Richard Dunne, the leading own-goalscorer in the Premiership just grabbed another :p
  14. Just like every Rockstar sandbox game I found it a slow-burner at the start as it eases you into every control.
  15. It looks like the ref in the Aston Villa v QPR may have given a very bad decision. Gave a penalty for an apparent pull as a cross was coming in but there was no appeal nor do the commentators seem convinced either. Bad one.
  16. Thought I'd just point out, there is a definite thing as "too drunk to do it". Trust me , although maybe it isn't too drunk but too much alcohol in my blood stream?
  17. The crazy ones are the feisty ones
  18. Think all games but either way it is a terrible record and must be hard to take considering I think Coyle is a good hard working manager.
  19. We've had been poking each other on and off like a few years. It is just one of those things, I see a poke and just poke back. Never thought anything about it.
  20. A while ago I moaned about how I can't go see my favourite band because I have no-one to go with, but strangely enough 2 different people have asked if I wanted to go see them at their university gigs. Unfortunately both are during the week and because I have work I wouldn't be able to train it there and back in time. Still, the fact they asked without me saying anything makes me happy .
  21. She is quite a paranoid person. It's a little bit better now, she's accepted she's just really stressed (new job) etc and probably overreacted. I didn't help by getting angry because I was flabbergasted at why she was getting weird about it all.
  22. Maybe you just saw yourself in the mirror and your body is rejecting yourself? My girlfriend just before she left after being at mine for the weekend just got in to a massive argument with me the "poke back" thing on facebook. She a girls name who I said was from College but I haven't spoken to or seen for years and she thought something was going on/ I was shifty about it. I was just surprised initially when she mentioned the girl's name because I didn't know where the name was plucked out from but then she said my excuses sounded odd. Ergo me having to show her other people that poke me and remove a couple of people because she was balling her eyes out. Not sure what's happening now, she left to get the train and isn't really speaking to me.
  23. I think it is actually 10 defeats in 11 games!
  24. A double header against Bayern Bru, interesting :p
  25. To be fair, you say they just get worse. That is 2 goals in 2 games? He's looking better and better! Great to see Drogba back again as well And United drawing against Stoke like we did shows just how hard it is to take 3 points away from them at the moment!
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