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Everything posted by martinist

  1. was gonna post this myself...now i never have to post in here again.
  2. I'm getting chest pains and arrhythmia, also feel like collapsing each time it happens...I went to a cardiologist about this a few months ago but they said there was nothing wrong with me. Gave me a heart scan and a 24 hour ECG last time but they couldn't find anything wrong. Looks like I'll need to convince them again.
  3. people in GAME keep trying to sell me things! Make them stop! for the love of god make them stop!!
  4. Started watching Yuruyuri...don't judge me!! I can hear you judging me!!! Still watching Nichijou, seems...wierd
  5. I just had a couple of Jehovah's witnesses come to my door and ramble off a few bible passages and hand me some watchtower magazeen thing. Also my neighbour died of a stroke a few days ago...sad times
  6. i'm up for a few games...don't see an N-E room though
  7. Jumping kittehs!!
  8. Have any of you guys meet a girl at a bar and have a shots competition? Mostly Sourz shots, then down a jagermiester? because i just did! awwww yeah!!! i'm not drunk btw...just thought i'd tell you guys about it...wo0o0o0o0o0!!!
  9. I was watching retsuprae and stared over at my tv to a BBC News headline that said Amy Winehouse dies...I thought it was some sort of joke at first then i came here to make a thread, but i see you already have that down!
  10. oooh!! me too!
  11. Think I might pick this up, need something to keep me occupied untill Xenoblade comes out. Should be pretty cheap right?
  12. £39.99 mostly just bought it for the remote
  13. heeeeeeyy nighggahs!!!! oi jhist smoked somre pot! so i#m wasted and high! it's called aspeed stick, iyt's noy expensive nigga! it's callked speed stick irt's not expensive!!!! shiut your mougth!!! tyou're jiust a litthele biytch!!!¬ Istill need to get Gaggle64 out clubbibnng!! thats bmy life gosal!!! shut your nmouth you black hguy!!! gimp gimp nevwer minbds neds yearh!!!!!!!!!!! shuyt the fuck yup!!!!
  14. How the hell did they get from Burnout 2's crash mode to this?
  15. Just pre-ordered this a couple of minutes ago after seeing the amount of fuss this game was getting. Never played any of the xenosaga games so i'm not quite sure what to expect from this, from what i've seen the gameplay looks pretty solid. Really messed up with the voice actors though. Everyone seems to have a very heavy english accent. I would have been happier if they just subtitled it but oh well.
  16. Meh...I've been watching a load of other series. Sippudden is in my external and I can't be bothered to drag it over, so i'm a load of episodes behind. The same goes for Bleach
  17. Took my family out to dinner at the casa mia as a late fathers day present. £127 for four
  18. Is that even a guy? I think he's wearing lipstick and eye liner. His skin is kinda pale too....looks sorta woman-ish to me. Not so sure about the hair, that kind of style could go with any gender i guess.
  19. damn right... might watch a few episodes on youtube to remind myself. Might not be so scary any more.
  20. NHS doctor tells David Cameron where to stick it
  21. ...my cousin
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