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Everything posted by martinist

  1. I've noticed the Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Demo has been posted up on the Xbox Live Marketplace...I really wasn't expecting this untill about a month from now. Downloading it at the mmoent.
  2. I hear the PC version is really broken. If i do get it, it'll be on the PS3. Still thinking about it though.
  3. Same thing happened to me a few weeks ago, I had a little check on facebook the day after and her boyfriend looks like a total gimp with a mohawk haircut. Talks like a wierdo too judging by what I saw.
  4. So i'm up in the Highland Club in Fort Augustus. Pretty nice place i guess, loads of tourists and stuff due to being reight on the bank of Loch Ness. My uncle's appartment is pretty nice though, right under the brothers wing of the old monestary there. Might have to get dragged up to Inverness tomorrow though, b00h.
  5. Minus the card probably
  6. she wasn't with him at the tie, but i still couldn't hit that becaysuse she was leaving at the time aww yeahs!
  7. Hey I cvould ahjbve totally got layed tonight buyt she said she had a boyfdriend soi I was like awwwww fuck I and I could'nt get layed and studdff So i'll try next week because i need somed secx! Amnd they totaly cut my song odfdfff at closingtime so ui was pissed the fuck ooff. Amy was totally fucking hot i qwould have totaslly fucked her awwwww yeah!!!!! She was a short bitch with coloured red hair I titolly would have hit that!!!! WHY GOTD!!!! WHY!¬!!!!¬!!1111!!!
  8. played the crap out of RCT3 might pick this up if its any good
  9. gaggle64: Wonderful episode overall, this was great pick up from last season's rather tepid finale. I do think Moffat has lead the show into an awfully convuluted place though and we only seem to be going deeper. We need a huge reset of somekind at the end of the season, it seems like everyone has to have watched every episode twice and taken notes. It's fine for dedicated fans but I can't help feel it's probably alienating a lot of the more casual TV audience.
  10. gaggle64 here: The BBC Twitter boys are saying both Red Bulls have heavily blistered tyres, so that should put them on the back foot from the off. Should be a fascinating race, expecting Button to be on another stormer.
  11. Don't bother with the transfer cable, i've got a spare I can give you if you want it.
  12. Oh my god...I havn't played Xenoblade today....WHATS WRONG WITH ME!!!???
  13. So I almost killed myself today! I was driving home and glanced down and noticed my lights were on so I turned them off. As soon as I looked back up I was on the wrong side of the road and a lorry was headed right for me. Yeay for evasive maneuvers!
  14. best...show....ever
  15. Well I just had a massive heart fart :P felt like one of my ventricals were fibrillating, went all light headed and panicked like a bitch >_> sad martins
  16. I'm looking for some Hox on the bionis' leg...anyone know where i can find some? I've only found those super strong Hox on those musroom things in the lake and i've looked all over >__<
  17. I thought she would be hotter...I mean if you didn't cover her face. That arm just tells me that shes a total bowser. :P
  18. My e-mail account has been acting up for a hell of a long time, no idea how to fix it so i just delete the crap i get all the time.

  19. That thing is around Lvl 30 I just killed it a few hours ago. That item that its protecting is for a side quest later in the game which gives you a crap load of money and EXP ............ So i'm trying to level up my guys to do this side quest where a have to kill these squirrel looking things on a bridge on the Bionis' leg. There are around five or six of them and they're all level 30, so i've just been doing random side quests and stuff to get experience. Need...to beat...squirrelie things!
  20. Yeah I bought it too, then I lost it due to the story...
  21. Well i just finished a hell of a long session with this game. Started in the either mine, didn't stop untill i got out. Now my eyes hurt and i'm tired....sleepeh martins downloading the soundtrack now, gonna have a listen then take a nap!
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