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Everything posted by Daft

  1. No way, Scorpio is a BEAST, it's a whole step up from the PS4 Pro. That thing is a 4K native machine. The PS4 Pro is an 'up to 4k' deal. I only have so much money and I've got to prioritise. It just makes more sense to invest in my TV/PS4 set-up before VR; the VR software library is still in its infancy so I think I'll be getting more bang for my buck with an upgraded TV/PS4. I'm still excited, but I'm happy whenever I switch my PS4 on so I might as well consolidate that experience...if that makes sense. Also, 4K Netflix. Ha
  2. Scorpio is going to cost a lot. There's no chance its going to hit £350. By which time the PS4 Pro will have settled into the market, likely with space to drop its price if needed. It's weird because Microsoft's market skewers much younger than PlayStation's and yet it's Xbox that's going to offer the premium product. I don't think it'll work for them.
  3. So...what do you propose they do? It's kind of the same issue as VR; you can't be told how good/immersive/whatever some of these things are, you need to experience them. You aren't really wrong though, I was watching it and thinking it was literally absurd that they were trying to show off something that I knew couldn't be shown – like a weird inverse Emperor's New Clothes. But they need to start somewhere. I think the hands-on – much like with the VR – have been really positive, so while the meeting was a bit surreal, if you ask me, they've handled a very difficult position as well as they possibly could have.
  4. My favourite reaction has been about the HDR; "I see no difference!"; "Looks the same to me."; yeah, no fucking shit poindexter, you're watching a shitty stream on a non-HDR, non-4K screen. Cerny, "Old screens literally cannot display the whole gambit of colours, brightness and intensity of new screens." T'internet's response, "I can't see all these new colours, WTF?" This is like when HD was the new thing and people couldn't see the difference, until they had the capability to.
  5. Worth a read, Pre-ordered. Cancelling my PSVR pre-order. Starts looking at 60" 4K HDR TVs.
  6. Since the Pro is likely out this November, it would make 3 years. Which is quite long enough between hardware releases, if you ask me.
  7. Red Hood really surprised me. I absolutely loved it. Also loving Supes and Action. Titans is pretty good and I'm really looking forward to Teen Titans.
  8. I'm going to predict... A PS4 Slim, which will replace the current PS4 completely, out as soon as the conference is over The PS4 Neo, which will have a name like PS4 Pro...or PS4 New It probably won't look too different to the Slim, maybe have the slight bar through the middle as opposed to across the top New features like 1080p recording and all that A list of games that will take advantage of the new tech. Some will be coming soon (The Last Guardian, for example, and fingers crossed for Nioh) and some will be patched, maybe Uncharted 4 VR will be shown off in conjunction with the new PS4 A redesigned controller ...And a new PS Vita... /s
  9. Rumour is the end of October. For me, it went from virtually unplayable in the Alpha to bloody great in the Beta. That kind of response is super encouraging. I hope they can keep up the good work.
  10. Is there a limit to how deep?
  11. Daft


    They didn't last time, did they? Honestly, I don't game anywhere near as much as I was last year when the other raid came out. I'd be surprised if I was actually raid ready by the time it opens.
  12. Yeah, I defeated the third boss, got both the DLCs. I am now very excited for the full game. Sad I'll have to start again since I found some fucking badass poison duel swords. But whatever, I can't wait to get stuck in again. That level reset is annoying, though. I had to run through the third level again to get to the boss.
  13. Thanks! I just filled it in and made a comment about the levels resetting. They made so many changes from the Alpha I have hope they'll at least consider it.
  14. It does indeed. If it's any consolation – and I doubt it is – I'm in the same boat as you.
  15. Really enjoying this. The only thing I hate is that the levels reset when you leave them. I really wish the shortcuts would stay and you could choose a shrine to jump to. I'm on the final boss like @RedShell and she owned me the first time.
  16. I sleep like a log. I'm fecking great at sleeping. It's like a super power. I've slept through carbon monoxide alarms and everything.
  17. Also, you need to adopt an attitude where failure isn't an option and success is only a lesser failure.
  18. I was actually asleep; sleep gym-ing.
  19. Ha! That's very kind of you to say. It's weird because the past few months are the first time I've ever really felt I've achieved the body I wanted. I'm partly taking selfies for the record and because I'm still surprised that I've managed to achieve what I wanted. And if I can do it, anyone can.
  20. Well done bub. You've made amazing progress. My routine has been a bit all over the place recently due to reasons. My diet has been bad but I don't think it's been too detrimental since I hitting my macros and not over eating. Weirdly enough, aesthetically I think I look like the best I have ever. So that's kind of weird. Going to give myself another couple weeks of not worrying about what I eat (within reason) before I start thinking about my next step. Probably a slow bulk.
  21. YAAAASSSS. Yas to all of this. Dis please...
  22. Daft


    I was thinking of running some strikes so if I'm only, shoot me a message. I think Friday is good for me, too.
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