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Everything posted by Daft

  1. The camera in the game is diabolical, it's a massive piece of shit. The first time I got a summons the camera was positioned in a bush. I couldn't see anything. The lock-on is crap; the only place Warping ever really feels like it's justified its existence is in Insomnia's plaza (the place featured in one of the demos); the story is inaccessible, though it gets a bit better in the last few chapters. For every moment of fun that this game was, there were numerous moments of shitty design decisions, bad gameplay, crap writing, shitty voice acting. The whole thing fell flat. And I got the Platinum (mainly because the only trophy I had left to do was the Adamantoise one and by that point, why not?). If I hadn't been virtually housebound for the past two weeks I doubt I'd have finished it.
  2. How accessible would you say it was?
  3. I can't imagine FFXIII helped with the brand's reputation. Or FFXIV for that matter.
  4. The camera in this game is absolutely dire. I'm on Chapter 3. And while I'm enjoying it, it feels a bit basic.
  5. Daft


    Likewise, I'm up for Quick Play with anyone.
  6. Daft


    Me and SuperBass will be on today from probably just before 7 if anyone wants to do placements. Let's get on party chat and nail it.
  7. I'm hoping that because this is my first proper FF, I'm going to be a bit less critical. Anyone with a Pro and a 4K TV have a preference with regards to the settings?
  8. That would make sense since I don't watch live TV and I have Magic Actions for YouTube so I never see ads.
  9. Point taken. I've just seen the one add and that was on the way to that launch event. Ha! I'm also going to get the Switch version. Absolutely cannot wait. Especially if it improves the unreal amount of jaggies.
  10. I'm trying to bulk now. Which means easing up on Intermittent Fasting. Had been doing it for a couple weeks but I feel like I'm overeating now. My appetite is suddenly massive and I'm snacking and eating and I'm pretty sure I hit 3500 calories one day with ease. And putting on loads of fat is what I want to avoid. So I'm scaling it back. I'm back on IF. I'm going to add a post-lunch porridge and another solid 250/300 calorie snack for tea and see how that goes. Really that's an additional 5-600 calorie daily intake. Which end up an extra 3500-4200 calories a week. Which is a lot. So yeah, I feel like I've got ahead of myself with this bulk even though I tried not to but it's only been two weeks (this is day 15) so it's a good time to adjust things slightly.
  11. Aggressive advertising? * See a single ad on the tube * I bought it because I read it had actual cutscenes and shook up the gym formula. Now I play this, it feels like the first real Pokemon sequel. ...Which is actually abysmal because it's taken long enough.
  12. I heard this week they were selling PS4s.
  13. As someone with no much time on my hands (and violently less as soon as FFXV arrives tomorrow), EXP share is staying firmly on. So, I caved and bought this. I LOVE it. I love that the game doesn't revolve around gyms now. And there are cutscenes. It feels like I'm actually on an adventure. I never even got to the third gym in Pokemon Y because it felt so same-y. But I'm really feeling this. I've just done the first trial. I wanted to pick Litten but I wasn't a fan of his weird wrestling final form so I went with Rowlet (he now in his awkward second evolution and I hate how he looks but whatever, we all have awkward teenage years). So my team consists of... Rowlet Munchlax Growlithe Abra (lvl 15, still no attacking moves) Meowth So yeah....three of the original 150. I need to branch out a bit.
  14. Daft


    Yeah, I'm thinking of getting the digital version so I can actually put other games in my PS4.
  15. Watched it last night. It's a piece of shite.
  16. Daft


    Mine is on L1 because I prefer a button over a trigger for jumping. Thinking about it though, I may switch his Ultra to L2 and his BOOP to 'X' so Triangle becomes Cross-Fade. Or maybe put his BOOP on R1 and his Amp It Up on 'X'. Now I'm confused.
  17. Daft


    The downfall of Mercy's gun is that it's so much fun to use I occasionally forget to heal people at all. Also, you want to change the binding of the switch weapon to something more accessible than Right on the D-Pad.
  18. Daft


    @Eenuh If it helps at all, it took me a couple week before this game went from 'This is kind of fun, still can't see how it's this popular though' to complaining about my team of five other randoms setting up as a dive comp but then trickling in while I score Golds in areas I really shouldn't be. And I definitely remember how overwhelming having 22 almost completely different characters to pick from. Once that settles the game will begin to click. I started with Support, moved to trying Defense, then Tank and finally Attack. Give Lucio a go; he has a quasi-sprint mode, is a great team healer and is generally a bit more active than Mercy. Speaking of, I finally switched Lucio's jump button to L1. Ended up bring my ranking back up to 2500+. Bunny-hopping and wall-riding (but mostly bunny-hopping) for days.
  19. Pokemon on Switch? IT'S FUCKING HAPPENING!! My dreams!! Joy
  20. Thanks very much. Yeah, I think that's the biggest part of it. My lunch break at work is the gym. I can't think of any better way to spend that hour (and I'm lucky enough to have a gym right next next door to work so I can fit it in most day – and if not I'll go near my flat after work). And as I've slowly adjust my diet over the years I've just moved to a healthier diet naturally as well as – I think, at least – become more sensitive to what my body needs in terms of quantity. Also, I really like both fasting and stuffing my face.
  21. I do intermittent fasting. So I go to the gym fasted at lunch (although I've started having a drink before consisting of 21g of sugar, which is 88kcal, because I got lazy with taking BCAAs before and I felt I needed something...although that might be a mental thing). I then eat after and during an 8-hour 'feeding window', so I tend not to eat after 10pm. In terms of what I eat... I make sure to eat protein (meat) and fats (avocado and nuts). Carbs, they're cool. Sugar, I try to avoid although I've got into a dangerous ice cream eating habit recently that I 100% need to stop. I don't count calories or macros, I kind of vaguely estimate. If I feel I need it I will have a big cheat meal. Likewise, if I'm not really that hungry I will not eat. Occasionally I won't eat until dinner, but that wouldn't be on a gym day. Basically, I wing it massively. And whatever I'm doing is working.
  22. Story of my life. This year has taught me that my perceived fitness is totally way too generous. I thought I was good at the start of the year but after that 6/7 month cut...damn was I carrying fat in a deceptively efficient way. ...And now I want to bulk again I'm mildly terrified. Like, what if I over do it and don't realise it and I just undo a lot of this hard work?! Or if I don't bulk hard enough because I'm worried about that? Also, again Blade, I am super proud of you. I honestly believe with consistency and determination anyone can make the changes they want and you actually did it and I cannot tell you how great it is to see. I see way too many people hit a wall early on and then kind of just give up.
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