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Everything posted by Daft

  1. He was tough as nails, it's actually the one after that on the roof that shredded me in two hits. I think Ninjutsu are skills like shurikens and throwing blades, while magic is...magic. But yeah, I'm not too sure at this point. I hit level 13 last night. Looking forward to putting more time in tonight.
  2. Glad I'm not the only one, I've found it substantially easier than the Alpha/Beta/Demo. I'm sure familiarity is part of it but I also know that there are less enemies placed throughout the map. I wouldn't say I was especially great at these kinds of games but I playing for a few hours last night and managed to defeat the boss on the ship and do the sub-mission after. There was one Yoki that would two-hit me to death and I just ran past him. He was a weird spike in difficulty. Having said that, I am absolutely loving it. I've kind of settled on the Kusarigama as my main weapon of choice. It's just way too awesome to use. And I'm unsure about my second weapon, I've been using a Giant Axe but just picked up an awesome Sword so I'll play with that for a bit. I've not even looked at the Ninjutsu or Magic. I'm also not really sure where to spend my stats. Anyone got any tips?
  3. Just found out my aunt died yesterday. I haven't seen her for over a decade. She lived in another country. Not really sure how to react tbh. It's a little surreal while at the same time being a bit unremarkable. Which sounds harsh. But she was much more my farther's sister than she was my aunt. And he's been dead for coming up three decades now. So...
  4. My Instagram goes back about 6 years. But for a lot of that I was 'big'...but I carried a lot of fat.
  5. That doesn't sound like a program. The odds of you being the only person who doesn't enjoy lifting weights is...low. You might as well ask if you're the only person who finds running boring; horses for course. Personally I do enjoy lifting weights. A new PB is always an amazing feeling. Realising I could bench 100kg for a set without issue feels good. I like squats and deadlifts and chin ups. I like getting to grips with a program like PPL or 5/3/1. I set targets, I take time to reach them, and when I do I'm happy. My Instagram is the same as my username here. I ain't going to lie, I take a lot of pictures of myself in the gym.
  6. Yeah, pick a new program and learn not to suck at it.
  7. I've been on the Beta for a few days now. Not managed to try Boost mode yet. Might test Dark Souls III tonight.
  8. I have it pre-ordered. Cannot wait.
  9. There are HUD options. [TWEET]826169142315253760[/TWEET] I think Dark Souls 3 has the best HUD option which is an auto-hide. When you're just running around, the HUD disappears completely. Running out of stamina while sprinting, it'll appear when you have about 25% stamina left (and that's just the stamina bar). Do an attack and the HUD is appears again. And I can't speak for Far Cry 3 but Far Cry 4 had basically no resource gathering. Except the herbs which were everywhere.
  10. Daft

    Doctor Who

    Yeah, the writing is such dreck now. He deserved better episodes.
  11. Meanwhile at Warner Bros.: "Let's release another Batman game."
  12. I would appreciate a rerelease of the first on one PS4, too.
  13. Yeah, like Shorty said, it's not a dislike of these things, he just enjoys approaching everything critically. He'll say what he likes but it's almost without fail always accompanied by what didn't work for him. Which is fine but if I want a bit of escapism and I hear "This doesn't make any sense" or the character's motivations are called into question because of the writing and not as a plot point...it makes it tough to relax. For example, I enjoy watching The Flash, I'm not expecting an especially well written show – especially one that's about a man who can run through time – but what it isn't seems to get in the way of what it is for him. And I think it's made me, in a very petty way, more critical of things in response when really I just want to enjoy something or let him enjoy his own thing. We have a lot of shared interests but I think I'm realising completely different attitudes and approaches towards them. Edit: I wonder if I'm the one being unreasonable.
  14. The Last of Us Spec Ops: The Line Majora's Mask Brothers Halo 1-3 Just off the top of my head.
  15. So I'm going out with someone who is lovely but they are critical about a lot. Not people but TV, movies and games. He's a massive buzzkill. And I don't really know what to do. He can't really get his head around it. And I don't know what to do.
  16. Guy I'm seeing now, can't stand garlic. Basically everything has garlic in it. I think I might break up with him. I hate emotions. I wish I was a sociopath.
  17. I think the whole Sith vs Jedi dichotomy needs to die so hopefully the title alludes to that. I'm all for good force users versus bad but it's kind of a bit back and white...almost literally.
  18. Thanks. I never will do that and I certain won't be looking into it.
  19. I like being called Daft on PSN or IRL by @ReZourceman. Otherwise I insist on being called 'Nicholas'. I absolutely hate being called 'Nick'. It's not my fucking name.
  20. Because Putlocker (and its still functional equivalent)
  21. Only one doing things? I mean, the PSVR only came out a couple months ago. Also, it's pretty easy to argue that Sony (or Microsoft for that matter) haven't changed their controller much because they haven't needed to. The Dual Shock has been at the heart of four incredible successful consoles. And in terms of software, saying Sony and Microsoft have just been doing the 'same old, more power' the past 30 years is stupid. The number of studios that both Sony and Microsoft have opened (and closed) as well as bought and sold is indicative of nothing but change. Whereas Nintendo barely register anything outside of Japan. What boundary is the Switch pushing exactly?
  22. I think it's a compelling product but it's too expensive. If I can find it at £230 with Zelda or Mario, then I might bite. I don't think I'll bother paying for online because I already have PSN and the awkward need for a smartphone is a little too convoluted for my liking. I was hoping to see Pokemon but...yeah...disappointed.
  23. I'm doing this 5/3/1 variation at the moment. I started Week 4 yesterday. It was good to drop to a 3-day program over Xmas but now I'm back at work I'm getting itchy feet so I'm going to do a short session on the rowing machine today. I've definitely put on some size but I'm pretty sure it's come with fat. But I'm just going to pull through, finish the six weeks, probably drop into PPL for a week at maintenance and see how everything is looking.
  24. Fishing grew on me. Hated it at first because you start off with such crap equipment and personally I was at a loss as to what lure to use, but I did all of Navyth's missions. With the best rod and the best reel, it's a lot of fun. I've taken a good 10 minutes to reel in a few big fish. I kind of liked the magic but I couldn't use my most powerful Blizzaga at the end because it froze my whole bloody party. I also hated the fact I had to pause and go through a couple menus to assign a bloody spell, why not a quick select of some kind. If fucking Libra didn't take long enough (literally minutes on some creatures)... It didn't half feel like I was playing American Football; 20 seconds of action, 5 minutes of sorting shit out (Also, WHY did Libra take the same amount of time on the same types of enemies? I've got an ascension skill that makes attacks on scanned enemies more effective but that means an absolute age of breaking the tension and flow of the game as I can them all). I'm not sure you can make anything other than elemental magic. The open world is great but there are so many small niggles like why do I have to go back to the vendor to turn in hunts? I do have a mobile phone, I know because Cid calls me on it when he's good and ready. Why can I only accept one bounty at a time? Why don't more weapons drop? Why isn't there more armour? As for the camping/eating mechanic, it's a really nice idea. But if I'm going to use it on the boss of a dungeon, am I expected to get to the boss then quit the fight, then find a camp site which isn't always near, then cook the right meal for resistance then traipse all the way back to the boss and fight him now I'm prepared?! How about Ignis makes some bloody snacks. All I could think is that the Witcher did all of this supremely better. It's like no one playtested this stinking pile of shite. it need a plethora of QoL changes for starters. GOD DAMN IT PROMPTO STOP DYING!!
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