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Everything posted by Daft

  1. I've had real trouble progressing squats. My consistency was all over the place. While I've managed to steadily go up on bench (I hit 5x3 at 110kg) my squats can vary from a tough 120kg to some days not being especially happy doing 90kg. So I bought these... Adidas Power Perfect 2 Weightlifting Shoes. Tried them out today andI felt a solid as a rock. Scratch that, I felt as solid as The Rock. I'm hoping they will help me push past my inconsistency.
  2. Just had that moment where the BF says "I didn't realise you knew [iNSERT NAME]". And I said "Who?" Even though I was 99% sure I knew who he was talking about. I'm not really a fan of, nor especially dislike, [iNSERT NAME]. Nor do I mind that they know each other but whatever, I'm not that fussed since the past is the past but he sent me a photo indicating who he was talking about so I responded with "Oh, yeah..." Then he said "He say's he still has your comicbook." I'm thinking, I had a two-week thang with this dude literally almost four years ago (I know because the comic is a New 52 Villains Month issue). It didn't really end that amicably (he decided to end things...in a real asshole way, I'll add) but we've spoken a few times since, and I've said every time he mentioned it that I appreciate him getting it but to just chuck the single issue. It's literally a single issue. Costs $2.99. Chuck the fucking comic. Some people are strange and now I'm wondering what else he said... Had to get that off my chest.
  3. In Persona 4, if I remember correctly, you had a 'Shuffle Time' mechanic at the end of fights, it's triggered when the protagonist deals the final blow or the party ends a battle with an All-Out Attack.
  4. Ah! I haven't. I was trying to work out their personalities from what they were saying and hopefully gleaming a better idea the more I held them up. I'll check the tutorial out later.
  5. I really want to gush about this game but like @Hero\-of\-Time I have found the occasional encounter a bit...overwhelming. As in I'm capable of doing them but I needed to know my strategy off-the-bat otherwise I'm at a serious disadvantage. Also, random enemy spawns. There's one part on Kamoshida's palace which is quite tough, I cleared the area, stupidly sprung an ambush on myself, managed to survive that only to return from battle almost directly on an enemy. Also, I absolutely love the music. I kind of feel Persona 4 has slightly more memorable melodies, my mind keeps going back to the sinister piano bit for the Midnight Channel and weird stuff like the "Every day's great at your Junes" jingle but goddamn every battle I'm singing this out loud... So great.
  6. This won't change anything and Sony will pull the trigger on the PS5 two years after Scorpio's release. The best thing Microsoft could have done was invest in studios, and go head-to-head with the PS5 on release with good launch titles and a solid follow up for the first year.
  7. @drahkon Nice! Thanks for the tips. I don't know why I thought the scarecrows had such limited range. I think maybe I saw the sprinklers had crappy range assumed like the sprinkler I'd eventually be able to build better scarecrows...so just assumed the easy to craft one is poop. Ha! Yeah, I'm not stressed about making money. It's fun taking it easy. I got a little stressed that my chickens were starving to death. Still need to work out how to look after them. I've got not grass to cut and I basically need to buy Hay from the neighbour (who wasn't there the day my chickens 'looked thin'). @Tales Do you know how you come across the improved sprinkler? Do I have to build a few of the basic ones and then learn how to craft the the improved version?
  8. So I bought this on the weekend. Even though Persona 5 is coming out. Thought it sounded nice. And I know Persona 5 will be waiting for me later. But...my farm. It needs attention. I'm in my first year and it's finally turned to summer. I bought a chicken coop, my first lot of animals. It's all very exciting but I have a few questions. I have four scarecrows, am I too paranoid about crows? The item description says they effect 8 spaces...but is that the surrounding eight spaces or eight spaces outward? Watering is a hassle with a lot of crops but the basic sprinkler seems a bit...shitty. And I'm not swimming in Iron Ore. I only just got to level 40 in the mine. Any advice? Also, some of my crops seem to die even though I water them and fertilise the ground. Does that just occasionally happen or am I doing something wrong? Is there an easier way to feed my chickens? I put some grass in their pen and...well, they went at it like fucking piranhas. That shit ain't cheep. I just built a silo but I have virtually no grass to harvest and putting down a grass starter pack doesn't seem to get things going too quickly. Is there an easier way to get grass to grow? Currently my next investment is going to be a beehive. I'm not really making big bucks. I'm a bit of a poor farmer.
  9. Does it matter if Microsoft haven't got any games? They really need to get their house in order before they need to worry about their hardware.
  10. I didn't go looking for it, I was searching for Hestu and it was placed right next to him. I think it's honestly hard to avoid. It feels like one of the few things in the game you are steered towards. Did you go without Hestu's inventory upgrades for a chunk of the game, too?
  11. Nah! I didn't have a problem with the powers. They were fun to use. I had a problem with how they were implemented. And the Master sword, I enjoyed getting that. It felt like one of the rewards worth getting in the game. The powers were fun to use. As was shooting laser beams out of the Master Sword. I don't see why you would get the Master Sword after doing all the Divine Beasts, it's designed specifically to be extra effective against them. Why would I want to miss out on the most iconic item in the series? And really, neither the Master Sword nor the Divine Powers were problematic for me. I'm not sure I ever said they were; it was the implementation of those two items, that was something I had a minor issue about.
  12. This is kind of bizarre. A game that is built on choosing your own way to play...except for the one I picked? It's not my job to curate the experience Nintendo presents. I might understand if you asked me to play it on a harder difficulty, I've done that plenty of times (and that option doesn't exist in this game), but to moderate myself? To me that flies in the face of what the openness and freedom this game presented. At what point do I start to play the game correctly? What's an inventive solution to a puzzle and what is me breaking the game? And it wasn't really a case of feeling overpowered. I didn't really feel overpowered. I got one-shot enough to know I wasn't OP. It was more a case that you basically have an infinite amount of health and, for most of the game, the challenges weren't worth the rewards. Same with Stamina, it was never a problem; climbing gear, elixir, Revali's Gale. Why give me these things if I shouldn't use them? (And honestly, I didn't need to resort to these stamina tricks bar a couple occasions.)
  13. The Voice Acting I can kind of get over. But it's ridiculous that not everything was voice acted. I found it really pulled me out of the moment when a character who was just speaking boastfully suddenly went mute. It's just bizarre when a game like Persona 4/5, Witcher 3, etc, have fully voiced...everything and Zelda – Nintendo's premiere franchise – is not treated with the same kind of commitment.
  14. Completed this on Tuesday. I enjoyed the last boss was a lot of fun. The ending was – like the opening – a damp squib. Can't say I agree with the 10s at all. Technically the game has a bad framerate, it has fiddly controls (a game should never require three buttons to hold just to change your arrow type) and a bad UI (the more food recipes I made the longer it takes to switch through tabs, etc). Aesthetically all the shrines are styled the same, all the dungeons are styled the same, and all the great fairy fountains, all the dungeon bosses are samey, all the stables are copy-and-paste jobs. The music was weak, except in Hyrule Castle at the end. The progression...isn't really there. I never had an issue with my Stamina so I only upgraded it once (because I thought I should, instead of out of need). I got to Eventide island using the ice-block power, so it didn't feel like I had to work to get there (again stamina wasn't required). I think stamina might only be essential when taming a horse...but I'm pretty sure an elixir and a stay in a nice inn would get me over that hurdle. Yeah, it's an open world but that shouldn't mean everything is accessible at all points. I feel a lot of people have read this as 'unparalleled exploration', to me it's uncurated and lazy. So no progression in exploration (except when you need to dress as a woman to access Gerudo Town, I enjoyed that). I can make food but it was weird that I couldn't craft items like arrows (I ended up with a lot of moblin teeth and wood, it's not really a stretch to think they could be combined); by the end of the game I had between 20 and 50 odd of all the elemental arrows but running out of the normal ones constantly. There was really basic 'why is the game designed like this' functions like all the Divine Beast powers. I get the ressurection one because its a one-time use thing but for the other three...it didn't make sense they they recharged in batches of three. So I use the wind jump twice...maybe I should use the third one so I can have three at the ready in a bit...at the cost of not having them at hand now? Sure that would make sense in a risk/reward type way except that choice is never forced on you by the game's design. The Master Sword gets weak...'I should smash it so I have it ready to go in 10 minutes'. Why do I even need to do shrines? Stamina isn't an issue. I guess I needed 13 hearts to retrieve the Master Sword but when you're carrying a virtually limitless supply of health items and can get extra hearts just from eating food and you can carry (at least?) four fairies (plus the recharging Divine Beast power that not just revives you but gives you extra hearts as well) what is really the incentive. Really they were most useful as fast travel points. I suppose the extra health was convenient when fighting the final Ganon. Except it isn't a tough fight and like I said, meals, elixirs and fairies make it a breeze. I wasn't bothered by opening chests toward the end because I was carrying enough weapons and I knew there would be nothing that was actually essential. I didn't need the rubber armour set because I just drank an easily made shock-resistant elixir. For all those complaints – and I really need to stress this because it sounds overly negative – it was an enjoyable game. But I just can't believe anyone with any real critical eye thinks that this is even close to a 10 or a perfect game. I can't think of another game that would get away with these issues unscathed. It was heading for a good 8 out of 10 for me and then the ending happened and deflated me and the score to a 7. I kind of thought Jim Sterling was being overly harsh, and I don't agree with everything he says, but there we have it.
  15. The game doesn't do the best of jobs at explaining how damage works. Fire arrows are mainly for causing enemies to overheat/set on fire. You want to switch back to ones with high tear damage after that's done.
  16. How did you get the ball from round his neck without fighting him?
  17. Did that Island...which wasn't particularly hard (especially with the Naboris power for the Hinox). For some reason it reminded me of Pitioss Dungeon in FFXV, except there's nothing really that special about it in the end. I also finished off the last Divine Beasts yesterday. The Master Sword makes the Ganon bosses a joke; drink an Attack-Up elixer and they literally take less than 60 seconds. The Gorons are my favourite race. It was nice to see them and I really liked Daruk (who there is criminally little of) but it all kind of confirmed my feelings that the world is a bit like the It's a Small World ride at Disney. Or the Truman show. Everything and everyone is there to service Link's progression (I'd have used the word 'story' but it just not there) and they aren't compelling in their own right. I'm left with the feeling that the game is well built game but poorly crafted...if that makes sense.
  18. Daft


    My Hunter is 350, my Warlock and Titan are 305.
  19. Daft


    I'd need to level up first. And I would be surprised if I have time between Zelda and Persona.
  20. Trailer on Saturday. There's already a teaser floating around for it. Edit: Here.
  21. It's interesting they haven't released the attacker's name (as far as I can see). I'm glad, too.
  22. I get the defence rating but I don't quite understand what that means in real terms. Does a 10 defence rating negate 10% damage for instance? I guess I'm asking because I don't really know what kind of defence I should be aiming for? I like running around topless because literally 60% of the characters in game acknowledge it and freak out. So I saw hime first outside Kakariko village, then once outside a quite central stable...does that mean I should head to the Lost Forrest to find him again? Or might he pop up somewhere else before then? I'm always itching for more inventory space.
  23. I did my first Guardian yesterday. The Rito one. It was short and the boss wasn't too hard. Enjoyable all in all. More like a big set-piece than an actual dungeon. Could someone explain to me what the number on the armour you wear means? I'm running around bare-chested with a combined armour rating of 10. And even though I'm topless I can run around in the frozen areas no problem, which amuses me endlessly. Also, where the flying fuck is Hestu? I have about 25 seeds I need to trade in.
  24. Daft


    And they'll probably show of Destiny 2 in a week.
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