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Everything posted by Daft

  1. I'm glad it worked out! And welcome to the flat!
  2. I bought a Nintendo Switch because of Mario Galaxy.
  3. Oh lord, that picture. Thanks for the bday wishes!
  4. Daft

    Destiny 2

    I played for about an hour last week. Or maybe less. Long enough to do the Fashpoint. I'd say I'm struggling to find reasons to go back to Destiny 2, but the truth is I'm not even trying to find reasons. I am done with the current content.
  5. I'm brimming with excitement. Looks rad. Perfect choice of song, great looking visuals, everyone smiles at one point in the trailer, didn't ruin the bad guy, didn't ruin Superman, but teased him perfectly. I love Ezra Miller. He is a genuine joy to watch in interviews. It's the Justice League, fuck yeah.
  6. Daft


    If anyone sees me online, shoot me a voice chat or an invite. I'm up for giving a squad a try. Also, anyone got any tips for building? I really really haven't got the hang of it and I'm super preoccupied with...not dying.
  7. Daft


    Downloaded this last night and... Blown away. Wasn't really sure I'd enjoy this kind of game but I FUCKING LOVED IT. It was so thrilling. I managed to get to the last 9 on my first proper game, which I'm pleased with since I still hadn't worked out how to crouch. It kind of gives me the same vibe as Overwatch. Nowhere near as polished or as charming but it's easy to pick up and play, but there's a high skill ceiling. I'd love to know what the plans for it are because I am so ready to get behind this.
  8. I caught Suicune on my second raid. I'm pleased. Got to hatch as many eggs as humanly possible by 9pm tonight, gone from about 40,000 Stardust to 618,000. Banging.
  9. I...thoroughly enjoyed it. There were some really artful shots. As far as pilots go, I thought it was excellent... but then I'm not especially fond of a lot of pilots. And I thought the ending was intriguing... I need to watch more, so job done. It actually reminded me a lot of Destiny, from the opening into with the drawings, to the space suits and style of the force fields, to the neo-gothic Klingons, even to the way the ship travelled at warp. But there was actual story here. I liked the Klingons. I've never been a fan but their opposition to 'We come in peace' was succinct. It's a phrase that itself is at the root of another kind of violence. I could understand why war was the only choice for them. And Michael's comment about race and culture was interesting. Which reminds me, it moved at quite a pace. Felt like I was watching one of the better films. It incorporated a lot of the modern TV conventions but kept the heart of Star Trek. It felt fresh. I look forward to more.
  10. Daft

    Destiny 2

    If you see me online tonight and need a member for Trials, shoot me an invite. I should be on but not sure at what time exactly.
  11. Daft

    Destiny 2

    A blind raid was decided for Sat 23rd since Dan, Shorty and Zell were away for the first two weeks of the raiding and I think there was an assumption that people would have raided three weeks in (and there was a preference to do it in a group completely blind). It was tentatively on the cards, before being confirmed last Friday. This involves Sheikah, Shorty, Dan_Dare, Zell, me and my bf.
  12. Daft

    Destiny 2

    Was? So you aren't any more. Which one is the 'other' raid. You can't do the one on Saturday? I'm a bit confused.
  13. Daft

    Destiny 2

    @Sheikah I thought you were part of the blind raid on Saturday? ('Blind' being the emphasis here)
  14. Daft

    Destiny 2

    I feel a bit meh about the new Trials. I really wish reviving team mates was as it used to be. It gave the rounds a bit of back and forth, and created dynamic points of conflict when guarding dead ghosts. I liked the idea that once you got a kill you had to keep the kills secured and it made it more advantageous to stik close to one another. Now it feels really disparate. And I don't understand the locked loadout. That's another shit thing. And the Titan class ability is fucking OP in that mode. If you're team don't communicate well, you're going to be shredded.
  15. Daft

    Destiny 2

    Edit: Actually hold that thought for a minute.
  16. Daft

    Destiny 2

    I am around with a +1. Not been on this week yet but I'm lvl 271. @Deathjam What level are you at? Could try it tonight potentially. Whatever is easy
  17. Another two Entei raids. Threw 7 or 8 curling Excellent Balls across the both of them and the rest were Great (had a couple misses). Still no dice. This crap RNG luck is endlessly frustrating. I'm 13 for 2 on Entei now.
  18. I'm 11 for 2 on Entei. He's a real shit. And these loot drops are Grade A balls.
  19. I've not had any issue joining public raids tbh. But I'm in London which seems to have plenty of people raiding near central.
  20. The capture rate on Entei is a fucking joke (emphasis on the 'fucking'). The first day I did six raids. I took my time. Was throwing pretty consistently. Finally on the last one, on a Curling ball that was neither 'Nice', 'Great' or 'Excellent' I managed to catch one with 15/15/15. And by that point my 12 Golden Razz Berries had become none, so he was caught on a budget Razz Berry. Yes, it was a perfect Entei. And to be honest, thank god I did because it's really let me experience a no-pressure involvement when I take part in them from now on. I did one yesterday, again no dice. But I'm now back from my 8th Entei raid. This time I used the set-circle trick. And it really worked. I got 14 balls to throw. Missed my first one (lol – still getting used to the distance and setting the circle). But every other throw was a Curling Great ball. Except one which was 'Excellent' and another which just rolled out of my had after some lag while spinning (anyone else experience this? Occasionally I get a touch of lag while casting my ball and it falls short, which is also annoying but this time it happened while I was spinning). Every ball was Razz Berried – because I'm out of Golden Razz Berries and lo and behold I received none again. It's kind of shitty. And it's compounded by the reworked – and fucking trite loot drops. In the past 8 raids I've only received 6 Golden Razz Berries, from one of the raids. I know the base rate is the same as Lugia but Lugia had a Psychic and Flying badge capture rate bonus to go with him (which are easy to get Gold badges in because of Natu pokemon everywhere). Entei is just fire and...well, I hardly ever see fire Pokemon to catch. So that's annoying, too.
  21. Let's be honest, this is being made by Square. A few month after it's out it'll be available on everything, including mobile phones.
  22. Daft


    The in-game group-chat. Next time, if you go into 'social' in the game I think it'll show where we all are, but it's usually in group-chat.
  23. Daft


    Join chat next time!! I think I'll switch on insta-kill primary fire next time.
  24. So, I've come far. I've doubled up on all my Legendary birds. In terms of IVs, it's a mixed bag; I have a Moltres with an IV of 91. Ace. Although it's move set is a bit poop (I can fix that eventually). An Articuno with an IV of 96, with a great move set. And then I have a couple IV 84 Zapdos, a third at 82. And some poop Lugias, one with a 77 IV and a poop moves set and another with an IV of 80 and a good move set. So I'm going to say I'm done with Articuno raids and I'm going to Prioritise Zapdos and Lugia.
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