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Everything posted by Daft

  1. Finaly caught a Lugia!! Got Zapdos last week and Moltres the week before. Just need to find Articuno. None of the Legendary Birds I got had especially good IVs, though Moltrese and Zapdos has the best movesets, but I'm still pretty pleased.
  2. Took down a Lugia but didn't manage to get him even with a few Nice Curve Balls and a Gold Razz Berry. But the XP is dope so it's not all bad. Plus, meeting Raiders was a lot of fun.
  3. I'd love to have a go at Lugia but I don't think – even if I did find a group – I'm especially well equipped to help take it down. My top 10 Pokemon are... Dragonite – CP2699 (Dragon Tail and Hurricane) Rhydon – CP2512 Blissey – CP2511 Vaporeon – CP 2375 Arcanine – CP2116 Moltres – CP1904 (Fire Spin and Overheat, awwww yisss!!) Politoed – CP1722 Kingdra – CP1659 Pinsir – CP1625 Flareon – CP1613 And like I said, I'm still a lowly lvl 26
  4. Daft


    GG And fuck Bastion
  5. I CAUGHT A MOLTRES!!! My third ever Raid! What a rush. I used a Nana Berry because I read that the effects last longer than the initial throw, so thought I'd give it a go. Regretted the idea almost instantly when I realised I only had 7 balls. Missed with my first ball, then I did a curve ball, landed a 'NICE!' hit and... ...Shake... ...Shake... ...Shake... ...Nothing... MOLTRES GET!!! Over the moon. Never thought I'd even down one of these Legendaries, let along catch one. And I'm still a lowly lvl26.
  6. By all accounts, Just Cause 3 still runs like a piece of shit, so this will be interesting. I've always wanted to play it so it suits me for a Plus game.
  7. Okay, let me try and understand. You are saying that lower testosterone is leading men to be more feminine on a sociological and cultural level? If that's true, wouldn't the reverse be true to an extent – not that dressing as a woman causes lower testosterone – but with a community where acting effeminate is not abnormal, that there would be a notable increase in men with lower levels of testosterone? I dunno, I feel like I'm missing something here because it reads to me like you're saying sperm count, testosterone and masculinity have direct correlations. And that's a straw man argument about tomboys; you don't need to like sports to be a tomboy. And when did sport become a masculine trait? I don't really understand.
  8. As an adonis, this describes me perfectly. Except for the 'easy to burn fat', that's just a calories in/out. I find your ideas...intriguing, but ultimately I don't buy it. If what you were saying was actually the case, I think we'd see more acute cases of lower testosterone in queer communities. Drag Queens would show lower levels (if I understand what you're saying). And they don't. And even outside of that segment, women who are 'tomboys' would show higher levels of testosterone. No?
  9. So...if I have high levels of testosterone, how would you expect me to act?
  10. How do you go about measuring masculinity?
  11. Thought I'd post this pretty neat reading of Wonder Woman. Trigger warning, it contains the word 'patriarchy'. How Wonder Woman Succeeds as a Feminist Film I think this is what really elevates Wonder Woman. And, because I've been thinking about Wondy and Spidey recently, why I found Homecoming entertaining but ultimately underwhelming; it lacks any kind of meaningful message.
  12. Spider-Man was entertaining and stylish but it's pretty vapid on closer inspection. SPOILERS That sounds like a right slagging off. And it kind of is. But it is entertaining. Just as vapid as most the Disney Marvel movies...so...Well done Sony.
  13. Let me know your thoughts. Bar Romita Jr's art, which I think is mostly vile, it's a great issue. Kind of a slow building of tension. In a weird way it doesn't feel too dissimilar to Rebirth, I guess because it has a few left-field characters.
  14. Speaking of Crisis and Infinite Crisis... Read the oversized Dark Days: The Forge, which is the lead up to Metal. Wasn't sure what to expect...but it was great. Snyder bringing in elements from his Batman run was good. Felt like it gave a bit more weight to Death of the Family. I can't wait to see where it goes. Had a similar vibe to The Wake, which I though was absolutely superb.
  15. Daft


    Proud of this one, and since I'll likely never pull of something this good again, I wanted to share it on the thread (soz to everyone who's already seen it). This match was not going well and I figured sometimes the quickest way from point A to point B is a straight line...with some massive air curtsey of the enemy Junkrat.
  16. If Xbox sales weren't in the tank, they wouldn't be pushing through cross-play so hard which makes all this Microsoft 'sincerity' reek.
  17. Sony and Nintendo have signature games that seem to be diametrically opposed to each other; Nintendo make aesthetically cartoonish, Japanese-centric games where gameplay is king and story is (almost literally) non-existent; Sony make technically stunning, visually realistic games, with (almost unparalleled) levels or narrative and emotion. Which I think is fine. Both companies know what they excel at, and they deliver it. I think it's a slightly less tenable position for Nintendo though since their third party support does not pick up the slack and Sony still do on occasion release games like Ratchet & Clank. Obviously this is a generalisation but I would say it holds pretty true.
  18. I don't much see the appeal of it. Looked nice but boring.
  19. Solid but mostly forgettable. I thought it would be a quiet year and as far as quiet years go, it was a good one. But still quiet. But in some ways I'm thankful because the release schedule so far this year has been unrelenting.
  20. Ha! Afraid I am out of the loop. And that isn't a hint; I'm not that subtle.
  21. I said I wasn't going to watch it live this year and I....have changed my mind.
  22. My reaction to the Cuntservative/DUP partnership.
  23. First E3 in yonks where I'm not fussed. I've got too much to play. Kind of wouldn't mind some kind of dry spell.
  24. The thought of the Tories winning tomorrow turns my stomach. They've been in power for almost a decade; national debt has gone up, inequality has increased massively, the housing market is a mess, wages have stagnated, terrorism is becoming a regular occurrence, the NHS is underfunded, and the police are underfunded. And people will vote Tory, for what? Because a set of fucking media outlets repeated a mantra that Jeremy Corbyn is unelectable without any sound reasoning. It is nothing but an injustice.
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