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Everything posted by welsh_gamer

  1. Watched around 75% of Dead Poets Society last night, and enjoyed what I saw. Would of had loved to see what happened next after the famous ending. Not gonna give it a raiting as I didn't watch it all. This film did remind me of a film that has been on TV a lot tho. Can anyone help me find the title. It was about a teacher, who was gay and something happend....lol I think it stared the guy who played Professor Quirell in Harry Potter.
  2. £12.97 off Amazon! Seen a few eps on TV. Looks good! And got this in the post yesterday, £5 from Play.com
  3. Hmmm....I might be intrested in this to be honest as It's my favourite book in the series and the film looks fantastic, so If I have spare cash over the summer, will pick up. I've owned Chamber of Secrets on Cube mind, but didn't enjoy it much. Wii remote to cast the Avada Kedavra curse tho? Hell ye!
  4. Wps... I thought I had read all this thread. However did I miss that??
  5. Check this out people!!!
  6. I live in a little village named Rhosybol, right at the top of the Isle of Anglesey near that town named Amlwch. Anglesey is an island populated mainly by the eldery and is a tourist's hot-spot. All my neighbours are 60+,and there is nobody in my age range here either. My closest friend in the village is 16, so a four year gap-there! Across the road to me there is boarded-up pub which does not look nice at all. For some bizzare reason we have three chapels and one church, which hardly get any use, but still remain active, and one small shop, which I go to every morning to pick up the papers. Yes that's right, they don't deliver! We also have a school, populated by around 40-50 children. As for chav's, there is only one group, so there is hardly any trouble here. For a night out, I have to travel to Bangor which is off the Island, and from where a taxi costs £40 to take us home! But for shopping, cinema and entertaiment, Llandudno is the closest place which is 40miles away lol!
  7. Another request here! I love the music to the end credits
  8. I warmed to Dalek Sec's character
  9. Pretty decent game if you are into crosswords, logic, puzzles etc Got if for my mum on Mother's Day for a £5 from Gamestation and she has played it reguraly since.
  10. I'm 20 and very happy with my leisure and social life but I am not working or in Uni at the moments. Took a gap year last year, and started Bangor Uni in September, but I didn't really enjoy it, so I dropped out after two months of trying. So career wise now, it's a bit of a downer as I wonder what of any worth have I done in the last year and a half. Hopefully a job will be around the corner, I keep applying for plenty, but always get rejected. It's not like im thick lol, it's just the lack of experince I suppose. But where else are we supposed to gain this experince eh employers???
  11. I was just on the Official Nintendo Magazine website and they referd to this game as Donkey kong Jet. Maybe we are losing the bongo controls? Link
  12. Very impressive, but why oh why do they keep releasing screens with out any HUD. Not in-game graphics perhaps?
  13. Wow...how long did it take you to write that post?
  14. My local Gamestation's window display if full of second hand consoles. As for GAME, they do take them but I haven seen a great amount of second hand consoles in any store. They ususally package them in their own cardboard containers too. I am un-decided about if I should trade in/sell my Cube copy of Resi 4 yet tho. (you can get more than £20 for it on ebay or Amazon) I have only seen the game for order so far on Play.com for £39.99, and maybe the Wii contols won't be that good, so I don't wanna be stuck with a copy I'll never play again.
  15. Your still young...no need to feel pressured to hurry up with "getting some experince" imo. Plus if you do end up doing anything with her, it can be very akward afterwards and might affect your friendship.
  16. Final Fight!?!? Wicked! I have always been curious about this game. I allready have Streets of Rage tho, so should I fork out for this aswell? Any BIG diffrences between the two?
  17. Donkey Kong Country 2 and 3 tonight.
  18. Lots of stuff...the most obscure might be babies/toddlers. Been spending a lot of time with my 2 year old cousin lately and it's nice seeing him grow up and learning about the world around him. Makes me feel like a big teddy bear the way he reacts to some things
  19. Neighbours should be kept on the BBC imo, but should only be shown once a day. Not twice! Just scrap the 5:35 showing and put something decent on there.
  20. Might, and I repeat might be tempted to pick up a 360 in the not too distant future now....
  21. Grrr, I can't do the horse's head mission, so I have just been running around creating havoc and making money each day I've played this. It is pretty fun, but it's annoying that you just can't save the game when and whereyou want too. Very annoying that you must go to your nearest safe-house, which sometimes (and very often for me) is on the other side of town! You can't have sex with hookers either!
  22. WOW. That is sooooo cool and very atmospheric. It better be real!
  23. Me too! I've allready put some money aside so that I can get it straight away. The online sounds wicked, especially for Nintendo fans like myself, who havent played a game online on a home console before.
  24. Lol classic! Loved the revolving number plate on the trolley I want more homeless Bond!
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