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Everything posted by welsh_gamer

  1. NES version of course. No arcade channel is there?
  2. Spent £20 on various 'to win' and 'each ways'. Idle Talk to win! (I hope )
  3. The Mitchell and Webb, Mac and PC adverts that are always on MySpace and on twice before a film at the cinema!
  4. Samba, House of The Dead and Crazy Taxi would do for me, and they seem like games that suit the Wii too, and therefore make more money for SEGA. Shemue would defintley be a 360 title.
  5. Decided to download Pac-Man, seeing as I have had 2800 points in my account for many weeks, and due to the fact I have never played a game with him in it ever :shock: Good fun so far, good value for 500points.
  6. What the hell! No Lylat Wars! I stayed up for nothing! Goodnight!
  7. I think it's going to be a great experince seeing this in the cinema! Still no word on an UK release date tho...
  8. It will defintley use the Wii remote IMO, but will be able to connect to the Bongos, as an optional contol method. Doubt it very much they are gonna release the game with bongos, but if you where a Gamecube owner, and owned any Konga titles, Nintendo are givin you a small extra... Nice timing with this news too, as I was playing Jungle Beat with my younger cosuin all afternoon
  9. Damn you and your big bank balance! I am desperate for this game after reading everone's comments, but have no money to throw about. I was in town today and only noticed The Godfather in Gamestation. Wasnt in Woolies or GAME. C'mon retaillers! Show the game on your shelfs so people know that there are some mature titles avaivable for the Wii!
  10. Aye....BBC rules! This week I've watched George Gently, New tricks, Life on Mars and The Apprentice in the 9:00 slot! Plus Have I Got News For You is back friday, and the new Harry Enfield sketch show looks good from the trailer! And of course another Dr Who on sat yai! Oh ye, I recorded ITV's Diamond Geezer, which was on 9:00 Monday, and it was pretty meh, after some high hopes for it. Don't think I'll continue watching. Go back to the BBC David Jason!
  11. Happy Birthday fellow North Waleian!
  12. Facebook is my favourite as you get "updates" whenever something happens too any of your friends, plus it means you can be nosey and see whiat they have written on other people's walls! Slightly gay when you can't view someone's profile as they are not on the same network as you tho!
  13. Car Booty? I did one when I wanted money for a N64. Was good fun, selling junk in the morning, buying console in afternoon, playing Mario Kart 64 at night. Im gonna do one again in a few weels, not done one since I was 12, so I do not know what to expect now, as we have all these carboot programmes on the telly. Desperate for money here aswell!
  14. Ye I belive they were gonna sue The Simpsons for taking the mickey out of Fox News. Alas, they forgot who produced The Simpsons silly Fox.
  15. I've been getting NOM since the SNES days, my first copy being the one with Toy Story on it's cover, and havent ever missed an issue. Again, I dunno why I get it still, as I am usually done with it after a few hours, and I get all my gaming news off the internet. I suppose the letters amuse me and sometimes you pick up on a new "tip". In the N64 days tho, I used to be mad about gaming magazines, getting around 4 or 5 a month (Nintendo branded ones and Gamesmaster and sometimes Computer and Video Games), as I did not have the internet in those days. Fun times! I must say it was magical reading reviews and previews of Ocarina of Time in the run up too Christmas Day by the fireplace, sigh......
  16. Downloaded all three seasons off Itunes for around £12. Much cheaper than geting the CDs or MP3 things in the shops. Hillarious stuff so far too!
  17. This might of been posted before, but it's the first time I've seen it!
  18. It's slightly silly that the 'loser' has to continue racing for 30 seconds, after the winner has won, in multiplayer!
  19. The Great Escape Had an urge to watch this last night after seeing Richard Attengrbrough in Flight of the Phoenix. A timeless film that will last forever. Seen it over 20 times now I'm sure. The only thing that is misleading is the title, as the scheme isn't really a "great" escape. Out of about 70 people who actually escape the camp (250 were meant too), only around 4 make it! Ah well, still my favourite WW2 movie! All together now....da dum, da dum di dum di, da da....... 10/10
  20. Personally I prefer Red Steel's controls to Call of Duty, as you seem to have more freedom with your aiming, unlike COD, where it felt robotic. Plus RS had far better mission's and replay value, than it's main rival. Oh, my PC-gaming obsessed friend came over last week to play some Wii with me, and after playing a good amount of games over 5 hours, Red Steel was his overall favourite, as he loved the contols, so we do have potential here!
  21. Flight of the Phoenix (original) Missed the first 20 minutes or so (was om TV this afternoon),but I really got into it. Great character study and drama, even if it was a little slow at times. Fancy watching the remake now aswell, to see the changes. 7/10
  22. Meh! A girl who I became close friends with in Form 4 and 5 in secondary school. Fell in love with her, and she secretly loved me I was told, but nothing happened. Ah well, I got over it quickly, when she moved away to Oxford anyway
  23. Fifteen minutes to go people! The Shakesperae Code tonight....hmmm I wonder where the idea of that title came from???
  24. Ugh i hated it. Get James Bond Everything or Nothing for a decent 3rd person shoot em up/adventure!
  25. I've just started watching Family Guy on Sundays nights on BBC2. I hardly laugh out loud during it, it is just sooo entertaining and random in my view, not "funny". Yet I love it and it's TV you can watch over and over without getting bored of the same episodes I'd say.
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