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Everything posted by welsh_gamer

  1. Don't bother getting Land of the Dead. It is pants. Its in the same league as the 2nd Resident Evil movie. There is hardly any stories and you don;'t care for any of the characters. The story is loosely based on a truck. Thats it. You can actually get Land of the Dead and Shaun of the Dead boxset in Tesco for £7 or £8 pounds while I'm on the subject. At least one good film. BTW Both Dawn of the Dead's RULE!!!
  2. Superman Returns Saw this at the cinema yesterday. Looked forward a tiny bit due to the press saying it was the best film of the summer. It turned out to be one of the worst films I have had the misfortune of having to sit through for almost 3 hours. No action. Terrible dialouge. Terrible acting (apart from Spacey) , a person who resembles Lois Lane in no way to the originals, and the end dragged on for ever! Plus the fact that I was sitting by 6 year olds who were shouting "www daddy look at superman flying" didn't help. 2.5/10 The best thing about my trip to the cinema was the Orange ad with Steven Seagal! Amazing! Laugh out loud stuff. Sionerra!
  3. I think it will be £159.99 and will come with Wii sports. Then games will have an RRP of £39.99 - £44.99. Then hopefully GAME will do a good Wii package deal, seeing their Nintendo fanboys all of a sudden!
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