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Everything posted by Ten10

  1. There is an app for that, it's called Droidwall the only problem is that you have to be rooted to use it. Also the feature is built in, in Android 4.0.
  2. Bad news guys: Looks like I'll be sharpening MAH RAZR!
  3. Hated that guy.
  4. Auto Syncing is mainly related to accounts and email (google, facebook, twitter etc.) which will update the information according to a set schedule. Background data is any application that needs to poll the web for information from time to time like weather apps and the market. Your issue with the Guardian is more related to the Guardian. There are apps that can define what applications are allowed to use 3g or not but I can't think of them at the moment. What you can do is download 3g watchdog from the market and set your limit in that app. It will stop the phone from going over your data cap. Additionally what you can do is press and hold the power button and disable mobile data network until I can materialise a better solution. Swype is great for single handed operation. I always liked to use the HTC Sense keyboard with two hands for speed. But Swype is great one handed and probably a lot faster too. This probably doesn't make any sense but I'll fix it once I've had a chance to sleep on it.
  5. So who's looking to get one? I might get one depending on how much the 32GB version costs. Otherwise I'll seriously need something with an SD card as 16GB would be too small for me. In which case I'll have to wait a little bit longer for the Samsung variant. Have to say I really like the new Roboto font.
  6. Promo video Watch the event
  7. I've got about 2/3 of the way through Metroid other M. That was about 2 months ago. I think for me the problem with the Wii has been the fact that it is a family console its life was spent in the family room. Family stuff happens there more often than not it involves watching TV not watching someone play a game.
  8. The problem is that the tocco has a terrible user experience. Plus if it's the version without the keyboard the scrolling is wrong. (Swipe up to scroll up swipe down to scroll down. Practically every touch screen phone works the opposite.) The one that has the keypad works a bit better but can get seriously confusing sometimes when you need to switch between the keys and the touch screen. I would probably check a review before committing to buying it. How much are you putting down on it? I think a Samsung Galaxy Ace would be a much better purchase.
  9. Ok I totally had no idea they had started doing that. I've decided I'm going to be leaving them when I pick up the prime as I can't put up with their crappy reception inside my house any more.
  10. As far as web browsing and email goes then totally. Downloading..... not so much.
  11. Happy birthday Mo. I tried to find something TOS birthday related but I couldn't find anything so this is what you get.
  12. This is living:
  13. I haven't been able to exercise for a while. I've been diagnosed with TMJ dysfunction syndrome (putting your mouth & jaw muscles through a triathalon) so I haven't been able to eat much. I've lost 5KG so far which I'm quite worried about as I know this is due to extreme calorie deficit. That and I'm really craving a burger / meat / protein which I can't eat.
  14. Don't touch Seagate. I heard their drives can be flakey. But I thought I'd give them the benefit of the doubt for once. The drive broke down within a matter of weeks and I had used it for a client. Let's just say I don't have their business any more and Seagate doesn't have mine.
  15. The over ear ones I tried didn't I was told that the slightly cheaper ones do. This is the pair that gave me the above reaction: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Monster-Beats-Studio-High-Definition-Headphones/dp/B003FO1N1I/ref=pd_sim_ce4 I think this is their top tier set. Although the guy who let me tried his beats drives a BMW so money wasn't probably too much of an issue; but then saying that he didn't want his wife to know the price. Here is the link to the cheaper version that uses the AAA's http://www.amazon.co.uk/Monster-Beats-Studio-Definition-Headphones/dp/B001DD55OE/ref=pd_cp_ce_1 I hate in ear, earphones I would possibly however get the on ear version of beats. They're the kind of headphones that sit on the ear rather than enclosing them. The fact that HTC now have a controlling stake in them will hopefully mean headphones with android support.
  16. Beats headphones. I thought that they were overrated for what they where. But when I finally got to try the top end headphones I was all: They really do sound awesome. They have good range where you can hear the lows and the highs. The bass is quite meaty and bound to damage anyone's hearing. I tried the over ear version, I may pick up an on ear set at some point, but I still can't justify the £300 price point myself. There would be other things I'd rather purchase.
  17. Ten10


    It just requires a google account which can be made with any address. My mum users an address with her own domain and I know a few people using hotmail and live mail addresses. It has been seen that people who posted invitations to google+ in the past can see the message in their own stream but it wouldn't appear for their friends.
  18. Ten10


    Limited field trial is over. Doors are now open to all. Doubt this will change much though.
  19. I only really take Whey protein and multivitamins. I'm currently using Nutrisport 90+ which gives you over 90g of protein in 2 servings so it's really helping me to meet my protein needs. I also have some Optimum Nutrition 100% gold standard Whey which I sometimes add to the Nutrisport stuff. I'm looking to get some casein to take before bed. Also I take some multivitamins for general health benefits. Most of my stuff I get from http://www.discount-supplements.co.uk best prices on the net. I'd also say avoid Maximuscle it's just over priced junk that tastes horrible.
  20. Some motivation for you guys. I think I'll print a few off and place them around my gym. Originally from Reddit
  21. I think that quite simply this: Is the worse looking car to be mass produced for a very long time.
  22. I think in future we should just have a fitness (year) thread instead. I've recently started training again after a 2 month hiatus. To be honest I haven't felt this great in ages, and I'm already finding that I have an increase in energy. I guess the only problem at the moment is the DOMS but it won't affect me as much in a few weeks. Also I've been trying out the sleep thing as well. I'm not waking up feeling like I've been hit by a bus each morning. Flink have you perhaps tried looking at doing dead lifts and Squats? They're pretty good all around workouts. Remember people a body is for life not just for Christmas. pudding
  23. Probably Ad Free a lot of custom Roms include it. Although if it is ads pushed to the notification bar, then no thank you.
  24. Listen to mr-paul I taught him everything he knows (via proxy) Guy from salesforce talks to Eric Schmidt. Info about ICS at around the 35 minute mark.
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