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Everything posted by Ten10

  1. Shadow gun on sale 75p: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.madfingergames.shadowgun&feature=more_from_developer#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEwMiwiY29tLm1hZGZpbmdlcmdhbWVzLnNoYWRvd2d1biJd Samurai 2: Vengeance: 76p: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.madfingergames.SamuraiIIAll&feature=more_from_developer#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEwMiwiY29tLm1hZGZpbmdlcmdhbWVzLlNhbXVyYWlJSUFsbCJd
  2. I'll see if I can put together a guide on how to get it working later.
  3. Google I/O is on now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PmU9mpdnqM&feature=player_embedded
  4. Mass effect infiltrator and NBA Jam only 69p in the play store, get them while you still can! The longest day deals: Apps 99p: https://play.google.com/store/apps/collection/promotion_2012_06_20_LongestDayDeals Films 99p: https://play.google.com/store/movies/collection/promotion_2010_06_12_longestday
  5. Never mind someone already mentioned what I posted.
  6. GTA III on sale. Only 76p until the 28th May: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rockstar.gta3#?purchaseButton=806tpHTtN_m8KxpMPfQfWZpPna0%3D
  7. Didn't know if I should go to android thread or tales of something thread. Namco Bandai to release an Android exclusive RPG called Tales of the World: Tactics Union this July
  8. Doesn't Canada also have a strong trend towards 3 year contracts?
  9. If you do decided to get the S3 (or any phone for that matter) the best place to get deals is over at this website: http://dealmobile.co.uk/ They tend to have deals that you can't even get by going through to a website via normal means.
  10. Deal alert Office Suite Pro. Down from $14.99 (whatever that is in £) now 61p for the next 2 days. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mobisystems.editor.office_registered
  11. See if you can test what the network performance for three will be like in your area. I switched to them in December and it has been hell ever since, and will be for another 18 months. Will be going back to giffgaff with a sim free phone in future.
  12. Unfortunately battery stats are relative so they aren't always useful. Basically if you charged your phone and put it into airplane mode and didn't use the phone at all your battery stats would most likely read: Display 2% phone idle 90% Android OS 8%. It is split by what ever feature of the device used up the most battery power. If you don't actually do much with the phone you'll get different stats compared to if you played 3 hours of shadow gun. Do you have auto sync on at all? That causes background services to sync as often as they please and that hurts battery life. I think the only smartphone maker that seems to be getting things right in the BL department at the moment is motorola. High android OS usage means your CPU isn't being allowed to enter a sleep state.
  13. The biggest killer of battery life more often than not is......... the screen.......
  14. Sansa clip zip. Tiny little power house, I have the older version that I use in the car and the gym. Supports expansion by microSD and has great battery life. http://www.sandisk.com/products/sansa-music-and-video-players/sandisk-sansa-clip-zip-mp3-player Just read a review of the creative and it needs to copy data from the card to internal storage to play it. Clip doesn't have that problem.
  15. If you don't want to root your only options are to use apps2sd and clearing cache. There are apps in the store to do this. Rooting is the easiest option regardless. It's very hard to mess up the rooting process. I've decided my next super phone needs to have the battery life of a 3410.
  16. The Skullycandy Lowrider range I would not recommend. Flimsy and very average sound quality. I have a few pair of Sony headphones. My favourite are the Sony zx-300 series as they're quite cheap and cheerful and you get good sound. They can be had from as low as £14. If you like a bassy sound then the XB-300 offers enhanced boom bap boom for about £30 and the XB-500 enhances it further with a larger driver for £45ish. Also +1 for the Koss Porta Pros. If you can get around their funny look you'll have a great sounding pair of headphones. Best place to get answers and opinions: http://www.head-fi.org/products/category/headphones
  17. I just looked on a random DSG group site (currys, pcworld, comet they're all the same.) Found the one I posted the specs for: http://www.pcworld.co.uk/gbuk/toshiba-satellite-z830-10u-13-3-ultrabook-metallic-grey-11486165-pdt.html
  18. I think the cheapest MBA is about a grand? An i5 powered ultrabook with 6GB ram 128GB SSD runs in at £800. Not going to explore this option further just wanted to provide a better like for like answer to the thread title than a netbook.
  19. Toshiba and a few other companies do what's called an ultrabook. I've found these to be much lighter than the MBA.
  20. So long market. Had no idea that today would be the last day I'd use the web version of android market.
  21. The answer is format the card in your Desire HD. Then connect via mass storage to transfer stuff without problems. To format in your desire you need to unmount it in the storage menu. I can't give............ I can give exact instructions since they gave me a wildfire S for work. Menu -> Settings -> SD and phone storage -> Unmount SD card -> Erase SD card.
  22. Well as a galaxy nexus owner I was thinking of the One X mainly for the space bump. But I'm not in love with HTC's implementation of recent apps and also I'm not loving the bland UI of sense. Sorry to say but stock ICS looks a lot more vibrant and inviting. Final straw for me is the non removable battery. Sometimes things happen, something crashes and locks up your phone. The only way to fix it is a battery pull. I don't want to be stuck in a position where I need my phone and it's taking a time out. (No pressing and holding the power button hardly ever works.)
  23. It was about the company. Mainly phones being MIA.
  24. I've heard some horror stories on reddit about HTC phone repairs so I would say check reviews about them before you go ahead.
  25. My only regret about giving away my original xbox is letting go of this game.
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