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Everything posted by Ten10

  1. Try ebay. I mainly get my parts from there. If you look hard enough you'll find some good bargains. i.e I found a pc tower case for £9.99 when the day before they had the same tower in a shop for £67.99
  2. Yeah but did they have kids in mind. No. Sexual innuendo's are out the window most likely.
  3. I heard bond was being dumbed down so that it will get a 12 rating and will be aimed at a younger audience. Bring Agent cody bond whooooooopie[sarcasm]
  4. The first one took so long because they weren't going to bother originally.
  5. When I read that comic I spat green tea all over my screen laughing
  6. A 26 in 1 USB port hub and card reader. Its pretty good.
  7. I'm thinking of a flash game. Probably then send it to take two. If only I had hours to waste.
  8. Jack Thompson Proposes a 'Modest' Game Thompson attempts to give the gaming industry a taste of their own medicine with his own idea for a new video game. Tuesday, October 11, 2005 - Jack Thompson, our favorite Florida Attourney, has taken a new approach to his attack on the video game industry. Mr. Thompson has made A Modest Video Game Proposal, as he has titled it, and requests that a video game he thought up be made a reality. He has said he will give $10,000 to the chairman of Take-Two Interactive, Paul Eibeler's, favorite charity if the game is made. His scenario is as follows: The game will feature the distraught Osaki Kim (O.K., as Thompson refers to him). O.K. has just suffered the loss of his son, who was "beaten to death with a baseball bat by a 14-year-old gamer." The murderer "obsessively played a violent video game in which one of the favored ways of killing is with a bat." The boy was "only" sentenced to life in prison, even after proof that there was a connection between the game and the murder were given. O.K. is going on a rampage, killing everyone he can who is associated with the game that caused his son to be murdered. He targets a "Paula Eibel" who is chairman of the company "Take This" (how original), as well as game distributors, lawyers, and even the E3 expo. At the end of his scenario, Thompson states: "How about it, video game industry? I've got the check and you've got the tech. It's all a fantasy, right? No harm can come from such a game, right? Go ahead, video game moguls. Target yourselves as you target others. I dare you." Stay tuned for rest of this saga, as there are sure to be responses from those in the industry. I'm sure if this game for some strange reason was made Jack Thompson would rant about it. If it were me I would make the 14yr old kid in the likeness of Thompson. Article here
  9. Actually Manga head is a putty therefore it works worse than a gel. I like the matte effect it gives but I don't like to use so much of it at once just to get a decent look. I give it 3/10.
  10. Subtly kicks feedback under the sofa hey whats that outside the window. At least it does what I need it to do.
  11. I got most of the sylvarant summon spirits before leaving so I didn't have to come back for awhile. I couldn't get aska and luna before getting shadow though which was annoying. At least I got to keep the spiritua statue
  12. Well after trying to screw up the story by doing things differently and going places earlier than I should. I found out that the story eventually goes back to normal which sucks.
  13. 4gamers products=crap There is a GC pad that you can buy from game but I've found that it powers down my cube. very strange indeed.
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