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Everything posted by Ten10

  1. I had to download the main theme song. The guitar riffs just make it that much better. Infact I think I enjoyed the music more than the film. I can only say that there were two parts I really enjoyed.
  2. Yeah, I'll still buy it. I'll just stick this Killer 7 sticker I have over the Wii part.
  3. Unrealisticly FF 7. Realisticly Doki doki panic so I can see what the whole scandal is about.
  4. Resi 4 is an 18 under the pegi system, my mass speculation is that the bbfc want to crontrol the entire rating system for the Uk and so offer companies lower ratings than pegi to get control of it. So outside of the uk under the pegi rating it is an 18. Unless a country specific rating system was used.
  5. In some respects it is cash in. But the quality of the visuals as you would expect from SE was great, and the final fight between cloud and a certain person was just great. Also there were also little minor details which just added to the film. Like the girl with the kupo teddy bear. And that guy had the 'won the battle' theme as his ring tone.
  6. The N-philes team mess with resi 4. And do some pretty cool stuff. http://www.n-philes.com/features.php?id=247
  7. Pikachu, Marth and Roy. Although I can play pretty well with everyone apart from probably Jigglypuff as she can go flying at around 50% damage.
  8. I think Katamari is highly over rated anyway, and that sort of game most probably isn't suited for the free hand controller when you think about it.
  9. I often cook oriental foods or add oriental spices/ sauces to traditional boring western dishes. Scambled egg cooked in toasted sesame seed oil= lush.
  10. I remember with the minish cap bundles 5 had "special tickets" in them where you could send it to nintendo (wait 28 days) and they would send you back a gold plated one. Of course I doubt anyone ever found one/ brought one.
  11. I brought the first metroid prime on players choice, yeah it doesn't match but hey at least it stands out if I'm trying to find it.
  12. The same symbols can be found in Super Mario world in castle number 8 ( I think) and this was long before the playstation ever came out.
  13. I couldn't find it anywhere in Milton Keynes so I gave up.
  14. What I meant was for example: tales of: SymphonIA PhantasIA LegendIA EternIA. They seem to have stopped all this and have just gone for plain simple endings like tempest, abyss, Destiny, Howling, world etc. So yeah that is basically what I meant by that.
  15. I want the same to happen to tales. I said to a friend I would buy her it for her Birthday, but I don't really like her that much to be willing to pay 30 quid all over again.
  16. Yeah Legendia seems to be the last game ending in ia. Namco seem to have dropped the whole ia thing now which I think helped to define the tales series in the same way FF games are I-XII or whatever they are on now. I personally don't like the 2d battle system in legendia. Fighting on one plain isn't as fun as the 3d battle system. Also the main character fights with knucle braces I think which I don't think is a cool weapon for a leader to have. Its all about swords and Giant Iron cleavers.
  17. Really the magazine is no longer made for people like us. Its made for those people out there who don't know about game releases, they don't know what a next gen console is and probably don't care about a revolution. They just brought a ds because they think its 'quirky' and that is the audience they are going for with ONM. So yeah I'll probably by edge from now on. My cousin brought games master at 4p less and the pages started to fall apart the second he started reading it.
  18. Well namco seem to have dropped all ia endings from their tales games from now. Their all Tempest, Abyss and some other tales game I have now forgotten. But if Phantasia is supposed to be older than Symphonia ( although I'm pretty sure it was the other way around) How do we find out what Lloyd named the tree if he wasn't alive yet? Phantasia---------------4000 years---------------------Symphonia????? Maybe it's just a mistake by NOE.
  19. Yeah but that slyph temple was giving me a hard time so I gave up. And the random battles suck. From now on all RPG's should be like tales and Baten Kaitos. NO RANDOM BATTLES.
  20. Well in the last game I played Lloyd and Sheena did end up together. I remember on my last play through I stayed up until 4am playing it. Only because I wanted to get most of the summon spirits before going to Tethe'alla.
  21. Well I don't think it was I mean. Lloyd is preaching it all the way through the game. But I will edit my post for future players.
  22. Yes it will, and when it does you will feel complete yet empty inside. Complete because you finished the goal of the game, Empty because it ends. But then there is a lot of other stuff to do. I.e side quests and all so if you start a new game don't save over your completion file.
  23. Just don't click the link to the file it gives you. You'll just have to navigate to the file yourself. If you click the link windows will delete the file. I.e you can't get it back unless you use a program to recover it. Although when I did all the mp3 files that I recovered had been merged into one really dodgy song.
  24. Raine was just happy about having an exsphere. She wanted one because pretty much everyone else had one but her. And so that is that. Oh and Divine Judgement is the best attack you can use in the game. Well one of the best attacks. All the other Hi-ougi's take too long to unlock.
  25. Steamboy, that sucked. Sucked more than Howl's moving castle that left me confused. Steamboy just left me ignoring the whole film.
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