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Everything posted by Ten10

  1. Don't think I'm ready for another Ninja Gaiden, I haven't touched the second one since I got stuck back in January 2010. Tried it again today but I forgot the buttons and so need to start again to remember how to play the damn thing. I like it though harkens back to the good old days when games seemed to last longer as there was a nice big wall of difficulty to get over.
  2. Mobo would only beep if a speaker is installed onboard or otherwise. Was any mention made to what wattage is on the PSU? (Nevermind just read original post properly) Also was this person using standoffs? Regardless there could be the risk that this person has krunked the mobo themselves. Is it possible for you to RMA it if they return it to you? (At no cost of course)
  3. Would you prefer Activision to be behind it?
  4. Resistive touch screen (figures, should have guess from a DS stylus being used to draw with) however I'm going to bump um my resolution guess to QHD as engadget didn't moan about display quality.
  5. I would probably expect the controller to have WVGA resolution.
  6. Nintendo isn't known for their willingness to pay licensing fees. In otherwords I wouldn't count on it.
  7. Well nintendo wifi connection (is that was it's called?) was powered by gamespy, plus I think there were some people involved from the warp pipe project. Perhaps they want to move to a more involved system and get away from the friend codes business.
  8. Probably because it will cost more than 599 USD.
  9. Hmm....... somehow I think I've seen this concept somewhere before...... perhaps just another idea that was a little bit ahead of it's time. Just not so wireless.....
  10. Let's hope we can still get them past the 12 months mark. Can't be investing too much cash in another "family happy time" console.
  11. If you check out engadget they have a good shot of the new console:
  12. Damn they said the Smash brothers word now I'm going to end up with two new devices.
  13. Unless the controller is both a console and an accessory, thus the original Wii just becomes a Disc Drive / input manager.
  14. But what about all the rumours about a quad core 3.2GHZ 1GB video ram 250GB HDD. They were lies all lies.
  15. Yeah it's just a controller as I saw a Wii next to the TV. I'm thinking U as in Youtube for this. Nintendo has just solved the thing that has stopped me playing the Wii for the past 2 years. Family console ended up in the family room.
  16. I need to check that golf putt in slow motion. Look like the Wii remote isn't depreciated.
  17. MIND JUST BLEW!!!!!
  19. Can't believe I forgot it started at 5. Thought it started at six, I've missed like 40 minutes. So far though it seems more interesting than the other press conferences. I think Reggie has a lot more confidence in his delivery that the other two chaps from Microsoft & Sony.
  20. The Active sync settings doesn't work on the original HTC desire but perhaps HTC have fixed it for the desire S. I currently use pop for my hotmail on my desire and I've noticed that in hotmail under the deleted items folder there is a sub folder called pop which contains all the deleted emails from a pop client. That is if you have the delete mail on server option checked under settings.
  21. I know I'm perhaps not being helpful enough but meh: http://www.cssstickyfooter.com/
  22. Hey it's Friday, tired and slacking off at work. It happens dude.
  23. Samsung Omnia (WP7) at £15.32 on t-mobile: http://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/free-samsung-omnia-7-300-mins-n-300-text-n-flexible-booster-15-32-80-topcasback/949262 Also have you considered a sim only deal if you don't mind your iPhone 3G that much? (just thinking of your current investment in the ecosystem) Giffgaff: http://giffgaff.com/index/offer For only £10 get 250 UK minutes, unlimited UK texts and unlimited mobile Internet for one month. Will edit my post if I find anything else. Edits: HTC Desire S: 300 mins 1000 txt unlimited data: £18/month: http://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/newer-htc-desire-s-18-month-1000-txts-300-mins-unltd-data-plus-55-quidco-talkmob/937616 As above with the original samsung galaxy S: http://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/samsung-galaxy-s-free-for-18-pm-55-quidco-talk-mobile/932212
  24. Download and run rkill, it looks for any common running processes from malware and stops them. This allows malware removal tools to stop malware more effectively. However, for peace of mind I probably would wipe everything too.
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