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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Technically not, he was completely black in the comics.
  2. Right right, I wish to rape your collective experience. For my video production course we have to do this "sound exploration" thing, where we use sounds we've recorded, slam 'em together, remix etc. to make something lasting 30 seconds to a minute, "with a sense of journey and dynamic range" [...] I'm drawing a blank on this. As far as I'm thinking our group will just record random sounds [walking up stairs etc] and sounding like some music track with some narrative talking on top, which could be just a passage read out from some book [maybe even the assessment criteria itself]. Or my other idea was recording us getting pissed, but that might be more suited to the next assessment. Anything anyone!?
  3. But then you've got the obvious factor of if she really cared she wouldn't have done it at all.
  4. Massive bump maybe ¬_¬ But has anyone had anymore sexy confrontations recently?
  5. I wouldn't exactly call it a break, normally it's something both people agree on and then do it [The break, not sex.] But she was a whore who shat all over your trust and the however long you said you were together. THEN you decide you're on a break? Sounds like you're trying to kid yourself by pretending it's not happening.
  6. Bullshit. In saying Uzi Nine Milimeeetaaah, he uses a T.
  7. There's a reason for it being unique, no one wanted to make it.
  8. I know, if the kids are smiling they clearly aren't taking their condition seriously.
  9. Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Back To The Future trilogy [POWER OF LOVE!] the American Pie trilogy, Jurassic Park, Full Monty, Reservoir Dogs, The Rock, Con Air, Gone in 60 Seconds, Lock Stock, Snatch, Ghostbusters, Die Hard trilogy, The Parent Trap, Maverick, The Man In The Iron Mask, Dodgeball. And many more.
  10. I tried watching that when it was last week, started just as that talentless whore [A damn good reason for not liking it. Thurman's best role was in Batman and Robin] then just got bored after the lengthly anime sequence flashback which reminded me of that shitfest Lost. My current selection. Donnie Darko, Driving Lessons Cars Metropolis Fast and Furious: Toyko Drift Click Freddy Got Fingered Anything with Scarlett Johansson in it.
  11. http://newsbiscuit.com/article/courage-award-for-man-who-threw-out-old-computer-cables I couldn't agree more with this.
  12. Seems alright.
  13. Yes, the trust level is just as shattered. Bullshit.
  14. Would you rather the affair had continued then?
  15. You can't tell half the story and leave it there!
  16. Write a poem on DeviantArt. OR! Do what Karl Kennedy did and write a song about it, River Of Lies. Although that song was rather good in a sense. Joking aside, fuck her. Not literally but block the bitch out of your mind.
  17. I'm torn between this banging selection. Bee Gees - Stayin' Alive. Gloria Gaynor - I Will Survive. ACDC - Highway To Hell. Bon Jovi - I'd Die For You. Bon Jovi - Dyin' Aint Much Of A Livin' HIM - Join Me In Death. Colin Hay - Overkill.
  18. Did she see this topic and thought she'd put you out your misery? Genius.
  19. We have a cooker-ish like that too, except we do occasionally clean it. But the shit just comes back 10 seconds later... You're not even using the top bit, cleaned so it's nice and beige. Oven cook some chips. The top goes completely brown again. Fuck.
  20. Nothing special. Was alright in Mean Machine though.
  21. A dildo and some lube. It's the gift that keeps on giving.
  22. After watching around 20 minutes of Lee Mack Stand Up on j00t00be, I thought I wouldn't find it [Not that I'm complaining as the material is lovely.], however, in part 3 of 3. Two minutes before the end, I found it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1oElIM2B6o&mode=related&search=
  23. Because like most perfume adverts it does fuck all in actually advertising the product. Unless being unable to catch floating objects is a result of using it. Lee Mack did a rather nice stand up thing about it once. I'm watching some of him on j00t00be to try and find it. To be continued...
  24. Put them back on, for the love of Christ PUT THEM BACK ON!
  25. Is that the pink clad bitch getting up to catch a balloon?
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