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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. It's not serious business is it?
  2. Nothing. .
  3. Wasn't it Morphin'? Animals of Farthing Wood. Through The Dragons Eye. Badgergirl. Spiff and Hercules. Heathcliff. The Snorks. The Smurfs Vintage.
  4. It was magical: "I love the smell of victory in the morning... Smells like... Napalm."
  5. If anyone doesn't mind giving their Pokémon cards away, I'll gratefully recieve them.
  6. I used to play Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokémon and Duel Masters. I still have all my cards. Christ I was an awesome Pokémon Gym Leader. Still got the T-shirts.
  7. Katey Sagal would get a right Shabba'ising.
  8. What the hell?
  9. Yes. And if not, I'll do it. Because we all know where we'd be without rules. France.
  10. It's all about redheads!
  11. How about a bit oif Uzi 9mm to show everyone our country means business. http://gladding.com/arnee/ Download the song dammit O_O
  12. I think maybe Guns Don't Kill People, Rappers Do.
  13. Not happy with Link's white leggings then?
  14. I have a weird feeling I might have been here for N64-Europe.
  15. The last six months have been spent remixing the customer service systems and processes which have been so obviously lacking within NTL and Telewest. From Todays Guardian.
  16. It seems he has some sort of "get married before your Xth birthday or lose your inheritence" thing going.
  17. I shall go rape my housemate into downloading it tootsweet. I had an inkling it was something by him as they have the intrumental shizzle written for the film at the end of the soundtrack. Yet they didn't have it actually on the soundtrack. EDIT: Just had a look on Binsearch, what my housemate uses, and it aint there. Has anyone know where I might be able to find it? EDIT EDIT: Yeah, tis Dead Reckoning. You listen to it on the chaps MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/mansellclint My other housemate is now trying to see if he can download it either through working through the MySpace code or by some other means.
  18. I am working on a project for Video Studies which has this bloke hanging himself. Additionally I recently [About 3 weeks ago ¬_¬] watched Smokin' Aces, lovely film. Anyways there is a piece of music at the end which is fucking awesome, and would like to use it in my project. I "obtained" the soundtrack and it isn't on there. If anyone has watched it, it's the music right at the end with Ryan Reynolds in the hospital [i shant spoil things]. For those who haven't watched it I can record it from the really shitty copy my housemate downloaded for me and post it on PutFile to see if any of you recognize it? Help me Shabba'z, I beseech j00.
  19. Bullshit. Stop CGI'ing everything! New Turtles? Bollocks, Live Action is the only way forward.
  20. I'm sorry kids, but I've just woken up and that wall of text under the picture is going in one ear and out the other. Can someone break it down for me? Either way, The word "Juggernaut" coupled with Kurt Russel can only spell entertainment.
  21. Make it more of a challenge for yourself by buying and apple and squeezing the juice out with your bare hands.
  22. When playing CS I normally tend to say stuff along the lines of "I'm going to stick my entire fist up your ass." Exactly like that. No shorthand bullshit.
  23. However this image makes the phrase much more satisfying.
  24. Vodka with cloudy lemonade is the mutts nuts.
  25. If they do cocktails I recommend Illusion's, Levitation's and Green Frog's. Failing that, just get yourself some cider.
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