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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Christ, Sky had a cracking rack on show today whilst searching for Stingray's belongings. Bloody 'ell. Harold getting pr0 angry. Maybe he'll kick down this Terence's door with the Uzi 9mm.
  2. But it was shit. 1986 is where all the action is at.
  3. If you're going to call it MonkeyKing II, who's number one? Because you're number 87 obviously. Maybe it's a hybrid of them both.
  4. So it's ok for one sob story but not for another, I understand perfectly. I agree about writing your own song is talented. But saying "I'm Good. I'm Good." two fucking THOUSAND times is not talent. However with the repetitive chorus's we have these days it'll find a nice place within the charts. I agree, I thought she was good when she first sang, but now they seem to focusing on her more than the others and it's pissing me off. Plus I've seeing an uncanny resemblence to Sarah Payne, anyone else?
  5. What's Skeen when it's at home?
  6. That group of little lasses who were dressed like poor Sunday School Harry Potter fans should have been shot. If only for their bleached teeth, for those who actually had a full set. People who lack front teeth should be banned from smiling by law. Additionally. This "Rowntree's Fruit Pastille" shizzle is going too far now. It's like each person eats every kind of fruit pastille so they have to say Rowntree's to narrow it down. HOWEVER! I would like to kick down the door to the Rowntree's executive board room and show them that it's very possible to eat a Rowntree's [Accept no imitations dammit!] Fruit Pastille without chewing. Firstly I'd swallow one whole... Anyone wish to join me?
  7. I'd like free lube on demand, along with my Lamotrigine.
  8. Have a good one Dutch.
  9. Big Respect Gringo, now gimme money.
  10. The nice shit I had earlier, me washing my hands in white spirit [actually did that earlier] > Big Brother.
  11. Don't see the problem with that to be honest.
  12. I'm sorry but I couldn't help making this topic. This programme easily shits on X-Factor etc just because of it's sheer randomness. Anyone catch the lovely Michael Jackson Singing Monkey? That deserves over anything to perform infront of the Queen. Piers Morgan has earnt my respect in this, just by his mannerism. However one thing which is pissing me off about it is Simon Cowell's labelling of breakdancing "Unique". A group of chaps with caps put on at a funny angle [= pricks] flipping about to It's Like That [ch00n] is entertaining granted. But calling it unique is complete bullshit. Not when you compare it to an arse wiggling monkey and, as shown tonight, some lovely cocktail waiters showing their shizzle. ANYONE!?
  13. I don't think the black community will be happy with Karl's potential name change... Remixed intro again! Give us Steiger properly for fucks sake!
  14. That concept has no drawbacks but all benefits.
  15. The Guardian has a lovely Media section on a Monday.
  16. You a Chutney Ferret then? I inserted my dick inside her. What else would you like?
  17. My first girlfriend was when I was around 10. First shag at 14. I blossomed early. Oh well.
  18. It's fucking awkward with just about everyone of your ex's you'll encounter throughout life.
  19. Waddaya mean? Billio had mounds of emotion in his voice. IT WAS VOCAL GENIUS!
  20. I wasn't sure if this should go in the Wii problems topic, or in the Gamcube section. So as usual I thought fuck it, and go for the new topic middle ground. Basically, is there a way to edit/delete data on the cube memory card on the Wii? For example on the cube when there's no game disc you can delete data and stuff, but on the Wii it just asks to insert a game disc.
  21. I'm not wishing it upon her. I'm just not going to waste any emotion on her if she does decide to kill herself. She's got herself into this mess by being caught being naughty and gets put where the naughty people go. If she wants to make her situation worse, who are we to stop her.
  22. Oh. What a shame.
  23. Me and my sexy long hair. Clawing its way to my chin.
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