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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Piece of piss. I could get at least 2 and a half done in two hours.
  2. The black people [i am yet to see a white bloke in such a role] who are in just about every toilet in the clubs/similar establishments of the world, with their masses of aftershave and lollypops. Especially those who shout "Freshen up! Freshen for the poonani!" That's a direct quote.
  3. People who think it's witty to go "oneone" to take the piss because someone held the 1 key that little bit longer than the shift key, resulting in "!!!!!!!!!!!!11". However some people take it to the extreme, doing: "!!!!!!!!!!one!!!one!eleventyone!!!1" Makes me want to plow their arse with my foot.
  4. To be fair, some of them aint the greatest. That queer sounding bloke who wants to do the "student" newspaper... Shite.
  5. Is anyone else feeling this? I've never really been a fan of The Apprentice [Just how many fucking apprentices does Sugar need?] but this seems to have something extra I find appealing. Although the concept that they're pushing the fact that Peter Jones is using his own money a little too far is beginning to annoy. He's given each of them 10k. That's piss compared to the millions he's made. If he can't handle losing it, he shouldn't be on this at all.
  6. I've also been having trouble finding a job. I've had to resort painting my house. However I did get a call from a place I applied to who want me to come in "for a chat". Sounds promising.
  7. More of a superhero than Batman.
  8. http://news.sky.com/skynews/video/videoplayer/0,,30000-1270077,.html The man's been ressurrected to fight against the prostate cancer massive.
  9. Being from the Eastside, I don't have an accent according to ReZourceman. However to hear for yourself go see that Balls thing he made O_o
  10. I can't help being this pr0. I'm sorry.
  11. Yeah, it says he's going to be removed from the register nexr month. Damage has already been done.
  12. One properly, although I've stayed over at Daddy's house at around 3 different locations.
  13. I may forgive. But I never forget. Revenge is lurking.
  14. Got an email a coupla days ago from the lovely team at Game saying: Hello, I just wanted you to know I’m planning on using one of your Pokemon in the Newsletter this week. The main reason I’m giving you the heads up is that if you open your newsletter and see the Pokemon there you might assume you’d won and I wanted to stop you being disappointed when you realise you hadn’t! Not that you won’t necessarily, we just wanted an example to show and we liked yours! Kind regards, Jon Gits. However for those who got the newsletter today can marvel at my mighty creation being used as the heading... I amaze myself with my greatness sometimes. The newsletter also links to this: http://www.game.co.uk/lowdown.aspx?lid=7472&cm_mmc=update-_-wk2007-_-general-_-pokentries Anyone's there? Or knows someone who did.
  15. A Car Bomb Contents Half a pint of Guinness Shot of Jamesons Shot of Baileys Topped off with more Guinness You have to drink it quick before the Baileys starts curdling. I'd seen someone down one beforehand so I knew what to expect. I got a cocktail stirrer and kept stirring it until my crowning moment. It was thick and creamy, reminded me of yoghurt.
  16. Just had a go on Medium, I'm ranked at 1092041, best position in the chart.
  17. Normally at the ends of the lines so to speak, I put a Bash Tower as the radius is perfect for them as they potentially make the "creeps" stunned as they work their way around.
  18. Easy mode stopped at level 50. I think the others finish around there also.
  19. Then 3674, just because I could.
  20. I just got 2356 on Easy. Not bad. Here's an example of my pr0 skillz.
  21. Them MD lasses have someone dressed as Harley Quinn! O_o
  22. Most old. However tis slightly addictive. I normally make a zipzag pattern which the little baddies have to follow, making several Gladiators style Gauntlets for them to run.
  23. But at least it wasn't Wind Waker.
  24. The title wasn't a massive giveaway for you then?
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