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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. It seems a legit stat, for most people you'll spend most of your time outside of the house at work. After work you'll more than likely just wanna go home and mong about, so the majority of your social action is at work*, the other main one is going out on the lash. * T'was how I met Kelly.
  2. One Amiibo to unlock an unneccessary dungeon. Which is the Amiibo which comes with the game in many versions.
  3. Should hopefully be getting dem unlocking things within the next two weeks for mine!
  5. Did you call her a colossal twat for his foul language? If not, no "woop woop" from me. Haven't been to the gym all week, been working nights last (and agreed to this) week which has thrown sleep pattern out of whack so hard.
  6. Happy Birthday n' shizzle Ine! [sorry you had to settle for second best, I know I was already spoken for :P]
  7. If you get any Garchomp, Mega/Scizor EX, Espeon EX, Puzzle of Time, Max Potion, Fighting Fury Belt or the Greninja BREAK line, hook me up. I got trades n' everything. Hoping to get myself an Elite Trainer Box soon, was going to get one earlier but working nights so didn't bother.
  8. £11.50 Couldn't keep holding the mic on my stomach all the time.
  9. Got an interview for legal team secretary next week, which is rather pleasing. Resisting from broadcasting it on Facebook/informing family peeps lest I balls it up.
  10. Some people just aren't concerned for their own safety it seems. Fire alarm went off at work, so went on a sweep looking for customers to usher out. I find one woman, casual as you like, shopping comfortably as if there wasn't a blaring alarm going off. The interaction: "Excuse me madam, could I get you to step outside for a moment please?" "Why?" "Because that's the fire alarm" "They didn't announce it." (every week they test the fire alarm, but it is announced on the tannoy beforehand) "That's because this is the real thing." "Oh" We're walking to the front of the store. "Could you leave your basket there for the time being please" "I'm in a rush, I've got to [something] in 2 minutes" I let her bring it to the front of the store and she dumps it on the customer service desk and storms out of the store and out of the car park. You try to help people...
  11. Went down a similar route. Opted for this:
  12. I loved the way the trailer was set out following dat Queen melodies. As for what happened... Not sure, didn't look bad, but didn't blow my load either.
  13. I didn't think it looked that bad, the fur on Wolf Link could've been given a bit more polish though. What was terrible was those presenters' attempt at talking. Everything that came out of their mouths was cringeworthy.
  14. How much a da mic?
  15. I think I've had my wisdom teeth out. Wasn't that bad. Might've been some other teeth though. T'was long ago.
  16. 2 x South Park The Stick of Truth [PS3] 2 x Lego Batman 3 Beyond Gotham [3DS] Assassin's Creed Black Flag [PS3] Battlefield Hardline [PS3] Splinter Cell Blacklist [PS3] Wolfenstein The New Order [PS4] Because they were going cheap at work (about £27.60 for the lot) and can make financial gains at CEX.
  17. I can't wait to try this out and remind myself what the NPC's are like, I only played it the once at release and only remember thinking "what pussies" when running around town in Wolf Form. Because the ones in Wind Waker were kinda dull, just with cartoonish exaggerations to compensate for lack of character.
  18. Not Amiibo on the whole, just the whole dungeon thing. Bollocks to toon link!
  19. When doing weights, do you find it better to lift them fast or slow? I've started adding in lifting dumbbells lying down, might be that bench press I hear peeps talking about. When lifting them fast it feels easier but slower you feel the gains a bit more, but sometimes I can't complete the routine.
  20. Oooh, I've got a Sheik and Link Amiibo, so that's nice. Good thing about the extra "dungeon", now that it's revealed as a load of crap people should start piping down. Fuck the Ganondorf Amiibo though Noooo... They need to stop doing this HD shit with old games whilst they've got other games ready. Send them bitches to the Wii U Zelda Mine, there's surely something they can do.
  21. Even though it's probably going to blow, I still kinda want it.
  22. Wondering how many locations are going to be reused now...
  23. Are you changing the seller or something? Because it's showing to me at £14.23
  24. We've put down a 15% deposit on our house. The wonders of parents prove their wonderness. Wonderful.
  25. At £12 now. That lasted long :|
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