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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. The Land Before Time This movie has it all. It's truly fucking awesome, despite how old it is. Watching it again, I was surprised to find it's only just over an hour long. It's the first film to be reviewed by Your Humble Fabulous to recieve the highest of honours. Ten Shabba's NOT ONLY THAT! Because of its greatness. It gets the Charlie Sheen Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence. Littlefoot et al. We salute you.
  2. I think she presented Big Brother's Little Brother, then got fired for being an ugly cow. Surprised it took them this long to notice.
  3. Unless Liz Hurley is actually a man, or he meant Brendan Fraser instead. The latter makes perfect sense.
  4. I mentioned that earlier War. Or just a piss poor excuse to not say it.
  5. Failing that I'm sure some people may buy those of under drinking age a certain... beverage.
  6. Gladiator Had an urge to watch it. Thus I did. Sexy film, but drags on in parts That's why it only gets Nine Shabba's
  7. Your powers of restraint must be amazing, so many pictures and only one featuring the extent of your counting abilities. I take my hat off to you sir.
  8. What time is this expecting to end? Just so I have general train idea.
  9. Watched Gladiator, paused it to watch X Factor, as soon as it ended I resumed, but drunken mother walked in ranting some bullshit about ITV2. I think she wanted to watch X Factor or the extra, but I just took all my shizzle and retreated to my room to resume watching. I had some tools to retreat with also, as I was working on something to make Mysterio's head. We'll see how it turns out tomorrow. Been having some delightful conversation with Dan about the current state of affairs whilst I've been finishing off the second member of the Sinister Six: Hobgoblin:
  10. What we do in life, echoes in Eternity.
  11. It needs the beard back to complete it.
  12. I wish I still had that shit old forward email which had a load of these.
  13. I must remain fit free for a year. But I think the same applies to anyone who has a seizure.
  14. Yes, they don't call them Tesco's Finest for nothing. Only the finest for the refined snooty upper-class twats. Every little helps.
  15. Are you discriminating against me and my people?
  16. I'm going to paid tomorrow for 4 hours of work. That's right. Four. You wish you people could get that kind of action. I need a new mouse it seems
  17. I know the Joker is kinda like this, but he's looking insanely queer, not psychotic clown-esque with his prancing.
  18. Being an alcohol induced epileptic I shouldn't drink, but I do. Depending on how much I eat, I can normally take out about 5-6 pints before I start slowing down. I normally take out a pint in around 30 mins.
  19. Banana yog and chocolate covered corn flakes. Fuck the fruit.
  20. Anyone else think this was in referrence to the song?
  21. He's trying to recreate the racist ways of old with a piss poor cover story of messing around in his loft. For shame Odwin.
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