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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Something about that review was shit... I can't quite put my finger on it.
  2. I want to watch that new Peter Pan, I always said to myself I was gonna watch it when it started appearing in cinema's but never bothered. Jason Isaacs is worth spunking over... It's actually making me want to watch The Tuxedo again now...
  3. That's right Jordan, you got a haircut. Your dad looks like he's being anally pleased. This disturbs me.
  4. It's great how they break away from what something/someone is meant to do and turn everything around on some moral technicality. BELIEVE IN THE HEART OF THE CARDS BITCHES.
  5. Foreplay doesn't get any better than exploring your family tree. I bet she was so moist after finding that out.
  6. Cheeky bastard. A quick backhand for him as well.
  7. Why was she thrust upon you? I assume you didn't have your uniform on. A quick backhand was all you needed to administer.
  8. I know, you ran off before I could my oh so humourous "don't flatter yourself" line. The routine was in shambles because of it.
  9. Kochanski was sexy and would've recieved a prime Shabba'isation [shat on the original actress. Stick thin bitch that she was]. Even better on the continuity scale when they changed her hair in 7 to 8, but the longer hair was much better. However I'm not sure I'm feeling this, it might be good and it wasn't that great an ending originally. But I'm torn between having a mediocre ending and living with it, and having the wounds reopened by something even shitter in the future.
  10. They'll just explain everything as it being his parent's love which stopped X from happening. Since that's pretty much what started the whole thing.
  11. I believe your line was "You wish". Then you did go offline. Was a low point.
  12. Ah my first year since uni without a loan... I'm stuck being in not uni's. Waah.
  13. That's what I was wondering earlier, is Dyson asking us to confirm his lack of attendance?
  14. How far away is the rendezvous from the train station? because if I have to return on the day I'd rather not have a mammoth walk ahead.
  15. I'm sad to say it isn't. It happened that way.
  16. I've got the song, but seeing this video makes it mean so much more. ... No. Once more. No. You're simply wrong, completely in error.
  17. Spent the night with a lass who may or may not be a girlfriend, it's still up in the air. After a rocking 40 minute trek I managed to make it to the train station, and in proper film climax style I jump through the doors as they were halfway closing. It was so epic I may see about getting the security footage, I shit you not.
  18. Something wrong with the bloke on the right? This can't help but make me laugh, it's genius.
  19. Treacle pudding with sexy custard. Maybe pancakes if one isn't having them for breakfast. Fuck it, why not both. And possibly ice cream. Cream of Cornish is the only way.
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