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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I'm surprised noone has stolen this idea yet [i may have missed it]
  2. I shall be slamming up a new article soonings. When're you gonna do something fellow gringo?
  3. The day has come. Permission to let myself read Volume 2 is granted. But sadly I shan't be getting round to it until tomorrow. Don't hate me!
  4. Nothing I did get one the first time around. It was from you I'm looking at it right now. As for the second time. Time was indeed against Dan Dare, but he kept extending the deadline for people to get their shit together, and it just got lost in the sands of time.
  5. Whichever vagueness you like best matey [Awesome bubble bath] And I'm sowwie, I don't read your bio
  6. I'll sign up. I'm not feeling much confidence based on the piss-poor example shown by the last one.
  7. This deserves to be on your gravestone. It's flawless.
  8. A fantastic intro post. I am most impressed you would go this deep. You can provide me with my Monster Munch you thieving bastard Ah, but you see, they did bend to my will at other points. They were just putting on good faces. Lop off part of my leg, and one of us would be in Deep Trouble. [Note: Not me.] I would never! Muchos thanks for the lovings.
  9. Don't worry Ashmon! You'll be spending time watching vague American drama's and making avatar/signature sets. You'll never see anything. I give you my personal guarantee.
  10. Pics or didn't happen.
  11. That looks most pr0. I shall say I'm gonna see that at the cinema, but probably will end up waiting because I never stick to this statement.
  12. http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20897&page=11 Still on first page. But I'm not sure whether to be happy about this, they weren't that great before, and that special they had a few months ago was utter wank.
  13. Was that the third album? Because I've got the first two. I regret nothing.
  14. I was expecting a loss, but I wish it wasn't as bad as 4-0. What confuses me is that my player who got sent off ended up as man of the match.
  15. Looks like I won't be on TV for awhile now... The US embassy is fucking the news station about.
  16. Why's that? Also, is there not a chance you could change the power settings to give you extra pr0 power?
  17. Howdy stranger, I'm a police officer. Detective John Kimble. And when it comes to knowing about spray foam insulation, you're a fucking choir boy compared to me. A choir boy. I have to say, if you haven't gotten yourself some decent insulation, then one of us is in Deep trouble. You'll be walking around your house shouting "What the fuck did I do wraang?!" and wondering how you can give these people air, whilst keeping your house warm at a reasonable price. Make sure you don't get fobbed off with a cheap brand, like Saturn, The Mahs range is alot better quality for the price. If they mention one of their Saturn Cruises packages just say "I'm not interested in Saturn, I said Mahs." I'm not entirely sure about the prices as I'd have to check my sources, but if you ask Rekall what's in their two week package I have heard positive reviews, although one guy I knew asked for one of their special offers, ended getting himself lobotomised.
  18. Might be better than perving on the kids when you go to see them watch High School Musical 3 more than once.
  19. Got a game against Charlie's Secret United tomorrow, I'm not feeling pr0 confident as he has 2-3 very strong players. But I'm hoping to pimpsmack him like the bitch he is ¬_¬
  20. Did you have to go "undercover" and dress down?
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