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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Salt and vinegar crisps and brown sauce is always a winner.
  2. I know! I could hardly stop my raging hard-on either.
  3. An intriguing concept. It would be interesting to see them at least attempting to drive whilst shagging.
  4. Gervais does not have the honour of me searching for his projects. Unless it's the Comic Relief sketch he did with Jamie Oliver/Bob Geldof.
  5. I concur, I would say I don't recall that... But now it's mentioned I think it is coming back to me... That was some pr0 pimpsmacking.
  6. Baby cheel! It just reminded me of the moment. I'm not implying you plow relatives.
  7. And I'd just seen my brother watching the start of Borat. I think we know the moment I mean.
  8. Isn't that what I said[ish]? The crew trying to adapt to the mirror dimension would've been an interesting concept. Also, wouldn't there be double the crew since the mirror ship would have it's own crew before the "normal" crew escaped?
  9. This is ignoring the mirror dimension at the end of season 8, with physical Rimmer kneeing Death in the nads. D'ya think they remade Rimmer in the mirror dimension and somehow refreshed his memory on everything?
  10. I assume you scuplted the green shoulder muscles and the neck bits, how did you get it so smooth?
  11. I might've been in error. It could've gone on for even longer.
  12. ReZ, what was the base model and which bits have you added?
  13. I just watched all three. I have to say I'm fucking gutted. It was terrible. About 4-5 humourous moments, disregarding the amount of things left unexplained. Like Katarina being "flawless", Kryten was trying to say something but Rimmer cut him off.
  14. I got easter eggs as a birthday present, most pr0. Mummy gave me one of those Lindt bunny things, bit thick in parts but darn tasty.
  15. Ebay has a few cheap ones before the mass bidding at the end.
  16. How so? Personally I'm only interested in painting, not playing.
  17. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Large-Lot-Of-Marvel-Herocix-Over-100-pieces_W0QQitemZ220389016514QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Toys_Wargames_RL?hash=item220389016514&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1688|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318#ebayphotohosting Nice collection on sale here, get in while your can kiddo's
  18. I think the main issue is, why the FUCK are you not using Sticklebricks.
  19. Mcoy is greeted by EEVILMURRAY. I would like to see your interaction with people at your new Mcoy Incorporated empire. "I would like [X] please" "Mcoy is afraid we have none in stock" "Excuse me?" "Mcoy is not one to repeat himself"
  20. Was it me who said that? But in a cleaner manner.
  21. Those remind me so much of a bell end I serve at work... He loves himself when he comes out with shit like that. To be fair to the man, he comes out with them very quick.
  22. But I couldn't find them on the websites ReZ linked me to, I think I missed one site due to frustration. Same with Venom, only one site had that I think, and it was outta stock. Those are fully painted, what colour is the plastic/metal? when they arrive?
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