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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Last time I checked [it was some time ago], there were other people on the Earth than Letty. I'm sure there are many who know you and you would consider them within the bonds of friendship. Utilise these people. None of this is "harsh".
  2. Ooooh classic. I've not used that in ages. Thanks for reminding me.
  3. That could actually be up for debate, is anything they do on their own accord? A mystery.
  4. He's pretty much expressed an intention to share more. I don't believe he expects us all to blame him on such limited information. [i could be wrong Jay, either way my heart still beats for you.]
  5. You will call that man The Doctor, or Johnny Cab! And that's a dealbreaker! Anyways, just watched the latest Dollhouse. T'was ok. Few random questions. Is there ever a time when someone isn't doing yoga? Also, where do the others sleep, d'ya think there's many rooms with this 5 pronged thing?
  6. I'm not sure what you're expecting her to do, sit around and be emo like you said? Come round and watch a movie sharing a blanket, just as friends? Just because she's going out and having fun doesn't mean she doesn't give a crap. She's getting on with her life, which you must now do. To be honest, no. I personally commend her. A little selfish perhaps, it isn't all about you. Just because she's out doing whatever she wants doesn't mean it isn't affecting her any less. She's just reacting to it differently. Well it is helping her, and work may not be keeping your mind off things, but "constantly" talking about her certainly won't. Speaking from someone who has lost people close to them, I personally heal a bit firstly by getting drunk. Then just random day-to-day activities and you soon learn to adapt. Sitting in the corner of your room listening to How Can I Live Without You on repeat is going to do fuck all.
  7. I was hit by mounds of tradegy. Fucker ¬_¬ I also bought some more Milky Way Crispy Rolls and Coke in glass bottles. Better than Timmy Mallett.
  8. Because there's no point talking about the good things it seems. It's best to build a bit of mystery behind your past troubles. Positive note, I've met Roy Walker and Karl Kennedy. Fun times.
  9. They're your gringos and amigos bitch! Course they care. What would you do if you were fineings and you had a fellow going through this? [Wedding Singer]"You need a prostitute!"[/Wedding Singer] Temptedings, but maybe not. I broke up with one missus and shortly afterwards [less than three weeks I can assure you] she was with this guy who was practically stalking her whilst we were going out. We may have been going out for just over a year, but time is irrelevant. Bollocks to the be happy you're single and crap, but it will take time [brawl. ] and you're going to need the stones to get through this. You need to get out and do something, anything but start giving the "I'm suicidal/depressed" excuses. It's not helping noone. It's not helping you and noone's going to help you if you keep pushing everyone away. To quote something someone told me on a vaguely similar issue: "It's all well and good saying you're going to do it, but you need the balls to actually get off your arse and fucking do it" This is what you need. A change of location would seem beneficial. Links/picturings!
  10. Are you sure? Or are you just yanking our chains AGAIN?! I felt sympathy the first time, you'd be hard pressed to get it again
  11. Ledge still means Legend. Sadly some of my mates use it too: "Paul Daniels is an absolute ledge" "Yeah, I'm going to see him in May" "Seen"
  12. More ghetto slang, like "seen" being used as "I see"
  13. It certainly explained something to me. I thought you were talking about a different condition. I thank Dante for clearing this up.
  14. What can I say. I'm a white Shaft.
  15. Real name: Derek. Originally named Alex but my name was changed 6 months after I was born. Age: 23 as of last Saturday. I'll stick to general facts, parents divorced. Both remarried. Lost virginity when I was 14. Was a Gym Leader and member of the Elite Four at our Pokémon Trading Card League [Psychic master] Worked mainly at Sainsbury's when I was 16-20 with uni breaks. Started needing to wear glasses when I was 18. Diagnosed with epilepsy at 19. Alcohol induced. I have A-levels in Media studies, Drama and Law. Spent 3 years at uni studying media studies, graduated. Now working in a pub at 20hrs a week. Uni provided nicely. Just been buttfucked over going to America, practically banned from the US for 3 years. Has shitloads of books and loves to read. Sarcastic, cynical, bastard. Dynamite in bed. Has somehow developed an unnecessary obsession with Arnie films/quotes. I'm sure some people here started that. Full title is: Master of the The Lower House Defender of The Far Reaches Commander of The Border Sea Lord The Great Maze Owner of The Middle House Ruler of The Upper House Keeper of The Incomparable Gardens
  16. I think we need to introduce some of these people our friend M.C. Nuke. See how considerate they'd be with a warhead halfway up their arse. [Although the impatientness of the blokes in the gay section did surprise me.]
  17. That's what everyone says in these situations O_O
  18. I'm a little into volume 2 of Invincible, and I have to say it's not impressing me as the first did. Mounds of text talking bullshit.
  19. REZ! I notice your feet still aren't alight. Anyways, went to the doctor's about these digi-volving coldsore which is now confirmed as impetigo, as such she recommended I don't go to work [pr0] as it is contagious. Plus my application form to be on the Weakest Link has arrived also. Shabtastic.
  20. I also haven't noticed much change. We can't post in a chatty manner in the How Was Your Day Thread, any similar posts over 5ish get the Venom/Carnage Rip into their own topic. A real life out loud laugh. I applaud thee.
  21. MADDOG YOU'RE A CHOIR BOY! 0 - 4 pimpsmacking by the Party At Richters. It's combatted the impetigo.
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