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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I just ask because she's been adopting kids for awhile. If she isn't sterile I'm going to accuse her of being lazy ["good things" being a byproduct]
  2. Is she sterile?
  3. This is Spinal Tap I can't even be bothered to get the Shabba rating for this. I'd heard so many people saying this was good. It even got 5 stars in the TV Times. I just couldn't see what was so great about the film. There were a few humourous moments [sex Farm!], but it wasn't really worth watching the whole lot for these rare moments. I think it was too close to what it was trying to parody, a documentary. A boring one. Maybe 5-6 Shabba's.
  4. Who is surprised she hasn't taken Jade Goody's kids yet? The husband/father should be in prison for the shit he did.
  5. The Camp Leaders are not a profit organisation, so I will be getting some money back, I'm hoping £250-350. More bullshit making this day special. I bought some shoes awhile back which ended up hurting my feet pr0 style. So I eventually took them back asking for an exchange into a larger size, didn't have the same style [wasn't a problem], but whilst trying other shoes the manager came over saying returns have to be within 28 days, which I was 6 days over. I'm going to have to stuff them with newspaper or something to expand them now.
  6. Manager Baron Von Uzi 9mm maintains that they cheated. But today has been full of shitty bad luck.
  7. pr0! Where'd you get the Robot Chicken from?
  8. The Warhammer and Boba Fett moments were classic.
  9. I'm sure the monies they'll get selling their stories in future will make up for it.
  10. Ah right, I thought he put it in then slammed a vaccine. He still needs a good shit kicking.
  11. That it? I was wondering how it got to Dollhouse that quickly, almost as if it went through the phone lines when Topher [Who needs a good shit kicking] was talking to someone.
  12. US Final Update After all this bullshit it seems they've finally stopped wasting time and come out with it. I'm ineligible for a visa. For the next. Three. Years. So now going to see about getting some of my money back. Needless to say, not fucking happy.
  13. And who's fault is that bitches?! I have been meaning to get around to it. Even Charlie Brooker recommends it in his older book Screen Burn. Is it anything like The Shield?
  14. The only pizza for us all. Pepperoni and 9mm bullets.
  15. Have you set your foot alight yet? Heard good things about it, so watching This is Spinal Tap on ITV1 now... have to say, 10 mins in and I'm not impressed.
  16. Poppa Pizza in Beeston is the pr0 shit when it comes to Pizza, I haven't had one in years but I'm going to have one tomorrow.
  17. When I went for a shit I imagined the walls would give way and there would be a stadium of little people who'd I converse with. Good times.
  18. I'm not sure which bit you're referring to, but the original remark was not from a Disney film. The text with the picture, are both from The Emperors New Groove. I thought I made that clear That, plus the fact that that's Kuzco's face when he says that quote. And I love the expression. Cut to 3:26
  19. Is there a place to get premade press releases?
  20. April is the month of pr0 birthdays. Word to Villa. You didn't make it. :awesome:
  21. The US Embassy has finally revealed their laziness by not sending me anything [despite them meant to have done so], so I've had to contact Camp Leaders who said they would "take it from here", but they for some reason couldn't do so earlier and couldn't give me the direct contact emails to cut the middle man bullshit. BUT NOW NEW SHIT IS REVEALED! My contact has heard from her contact at the Embassy then contacted me saying the Embassy are "sending me a letter" WOW. And couldn't let them know the details because "all that information is confidential." Now more waiting ahoy.
  22. I can assure you I am a man of honour and integrity. I would never disrupt Daniel's relationship The fact that I've technically done so in other situations twice doesn't matter ¬_¬
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