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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I'm being reminded of a scene from Robocop now. I'm sure we all know the one I'm talking about.
  2. I can imagine it now: "You are the Weakes-" "One of us is in DEEP trouble."
  3. I just sent an email to be a contestant on the Weakest Link. I'm going to bl0w them away with my pr0ness.
  4. It doesn't feature Spider Carnage or the Carnage Cosmic, or She-Venom. Or Toxin, but he wasn't much.
  5. It seems we have to tell people how our day went, without trying to comment on how other peoples' day went. Failure to do so with an average of five consecutive relevant posts leads to...
  6. Transport Tycoon was an amazing game. Quality soundtrack too.
  7. I'm feeling it.
  8. He must still be feeling silly, with changing members names and unusual thread titles. That surprised me during my day.
  9. My day was saddened to hear your news Dante.
  10. Stuff in the chilled section like orange juice, unless the shelf is empty should be replenished using stock rotation, ie, putting the new stuff at the back bringing the new stuff to the front because of its low shelf life.
  11. All about £28 inc VAT. I've had no problems. Cranking the volume up hasn't distorted the sound [how high I've gone, it had potential to go louder] My only gripe is that you need something thin like a pipe cleaner to get rid of the dust that gets right by the "mast" I always know my volumeings level too, I put a bit of white paint on the wheel on my "average" acceptable sound level. Also keeps from any surprises the next day if you cranked it up the day before.
  12. You prefer da graphics over da gameplay? I see what you're trying to show with that image, but some of those poses are very popular.
  13. It takes all sorts it seems.
  14. It's what I've got. Most pr0. Latest haul from Macro GLASS BOTTLES!! FUCK YEAH!! *fires up the mini fridge*
  15. Don't go with a pussy t-shirt, get the massive jumpsuit. For the official feeling.
  16. Put Monkeys in the balls.
  17. Is there someone you can assassinate to sort this situation out?
  18. This is a sure fire winner.
  19. Here's a sexy villian for ReZ's team to try their luck against.
  20. They really are. The ones here are absolute wank compared to the ones you see in Yankyland. I have two yearbooks from my time in education I believe... The one from uni was better than college, but just barely. Mainly because someone's surname was Hardware.
  21. The world of Jackass and Dirty Sanchez where bad things like that happen. Two instances I can recall was when one dipped his bollocks in hot coffee, and another where they dangled their balls over pool table pockets and others took shots. Only someone with a wang would react that way Something you want to share?
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