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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Didn't mention lopping those off... He planned on going round with no rod but leaving the sack?!
  2. Does form affect the player as much as skill would? Also, how much training did you put some of them through to get that high a skill?
  3. I don't know what to say to this.
  4. S'where all the vitamins are.
  5. I'm feeling it too, but am resisting because it isn't really appealing to me. Don't forget the back catalogue game raping by removing the GBA slot.
  6. I'm not going to lie to you brother. I feel Rrrriip is better as it accompanies the image sexily. Thread Tear sounds like a Pokémon attack
  7. Go for whichever's easiest!
  8. But what I'm saying is, if people here are saying the bits should be kept in because that's how nature produces it, then they shouldn't be drinking filtered water. On that note, down with Brita filters.
  9. I know... It's 20 mins I'm never going to get back.
  10. Fear my amazing pr0 Photoshop skillz Since I have no idea how to make a background/border or pretty much anything. ¬_¬
  11. Party At Richters loses again... Disgraceful. But it's the next match that's going to be the deal breaker: PARTY AT RICHTERS! VERSUS! RECALL UNITED!! On my homeground of Mars. Our names are not Quaid.
  12. My official image of this scenario:
  13. I got a poster like that free with a magazine a few years back. I might even still have it somewhere. If I find it, it can be yours. Arrived this morning. Read some of the Invincible already.
  14. Woke up a lasseh's bed this morning after the nights plowing after work. Not bad for a Monday. My Invincible Volume 1 has arrived, I'm sure I'll get into it by the end of the day, but at the moment I'm listening to the Comic Relief Islands In The Stream constantly. What's pissing me off today. I've still heard nothing from the US Embassy or the Knightsbridge place which commandeered my blood. Up to four days my arse.
  15. http://arnocorps.com/mp3s/index.html Link your friends.
  16. You say work the arms, but by the dumpster you're holding your nob. Is that what you meant? Also, could you resubmit the video but with the Arnocorps song Total Recall instead?
  17. Are you 24 people happy about the 8th season comings? [i really should get round to watching them] JAV! I recommend the following pr0 method: 1] You get yo' momma an alcoholic beverage 2] And ask her flat out. Repeat step 1 if needs be.
  18. Avril's hypocrisy just keeps on amazing me. I have many difference fragrances, lasting from Christmas' past. My main two usages are the Jean Paul Gautier and the Hugo Boss one shaped like a ball.
  19. Raises an interesting theory, when the creator made water, did they want the plankton etc kept in? [Mountain water excluded]
  20. Then drink water with the crap still in it! Don't go for the purity of tap/bottled water.
  21. God I hate that little French girl in those adverts.
  22. Just found this: http://www.randomlinkage.com/?p=1042 "hey embodied the different cultures and beliefs of the globe, oranges and strawberries getting along together, despite their differences."
  23. I also believe they didn't think the current advertising through fully. "Let's colour me in!" Says a character which is predominantly white. To a large group of children.
  24. Do not ail yourself my child, if something in the How Was Your Day thread goes beyond 5-10 [?] posts it is ripped away like a drug abusers baby and given a proper home in its own topic.
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