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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Star Wars Episode II: Attack Of The Clones and Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith I just love the action in these films. Some parts I'll never get my head around, Palpatine being able to take out three Jedi Masters in the time it takes for you to read this sentence. I would be more impressive if they actually moved while Palpatine wasted time dancing about. Yoda could've easily taken him, his lightsabre skills should be pr0 rusty. Ten Shabba's
  2. I seem to have pulled this customer at work last night. Last Thursday I was getting drunk with my coworker who was set to work that night, I tagged along by invitation and got hammered... Saw this lass I normally see come in while I'm working, like the finger, apply to eyebrow and swoop in. From what I can remember from the conversation was that she wasn't interested, although I was proclaiming my attraction to her, she wanted me to say it when I was sober. Last night I be working so don't drink much [despite my "stop drinking" policy which I ruined last night] and needed a few pints to have the courage to engage in random conversation... Prior to this my coworker had apparently mentioned me to her and she said she was interested, when a friend of hers came to order at the bar I mentioned her lack of interest and he said it was quite the opposite. So I asked the lass to another pub after I finish for a beverage. Proposition accepted. Nice bit of mouth action [the amount of tongue I prefer] and then back to hers for some all night gropings. I think it went alright. Get that modesty scarf thing going again. Holy shit... I think I may have had two. SYSTEM OVERLOADINGS. I wish I had something like that with my old housemate, but I think I just really aggrivated her. Dude, as mentioned, far from curtain call. You call easily create some spin for this. It was a dare or some bullshit. AAAH! I always wondered your reason for being such a [strickland]SLACKER[/strickland], but "true dat", the word is to enjoy yourself. Ah yes, Goody's gone. Gutted.
  3. I'm wanting to get some of the games/shizzle mentioned here but I cannae afford it, plus my birthday is in two weeks. But I want my merchandise now!
  4. For some reason, when I see that because of her arms, I think of a moment in some film when she comforts the boy before breaking his neck.
  5. "Role" would've been better. Failing that, tell them to do a Barrel Roll. They'll get the pronounciation that way.
  6. I've taken the plunge. I've ordered Volume 1. Along with starting my free trial of Amazon Prime, I heavily doubt I'll be using it after the trial is done.
  7. That's a cob. Or as people in the Manchester area call it, a "bahm" cake. Example: A cheese and tomato bahm. As for the music playing. Windows Media Player was good in the old days, but the recent version has a terrible looking library. Winamp all the way. EDIT: The Embassy Medical Money Rip-Off Buggers should've gotten back to me "within four days" of stealing my blood on Tuesday. I don't want no "we don't open Saturdays" crap. When I pay £135, I expect prompt results.
  8. Is that better value than the floppy covers?
  9. LUBLUBLUBLUBLUBLUBLUBLUBUUULLLLSHIT! I had my Massive set on cautious, imagine the cards flying if I set them to do anything sneaky! EDIT: I haven't gotten any monies for my lengthly Press Rap Release. When will I get it?
  10. Were they any good? I've always wanted to see what happens in the Dick Van Dyke Show. If/When he passes away, I will petition [assuming it isn't being done] that a national holiday should be named after him. I dislike it when we have shitty bands on Friday, every band seems to play the same collection of songs, and a few others. This band did a rendition of Hallelujah, but they kept saying "a cold a lonely Hallelujah" I kept saying under my breath "it's 'broken' dammit!", but they couldn't hear me for some reason. Plus you always gets students coming en masse right at the end of the night buying a round, a minute later we ring the bell and they buy another round. I never did that when I was a student.
  11. You into the softcore shit? C'maahn Gizmon, man up and asspound her. It'll bring her round to your way of thinking. Personally I can't see how that would hamper things, are political views important where you are?
  12. If the bloke kissing his face wasn't there he'd still look as queer as the day is long.
  13. But does it change anything the last time you asked for this shit to be cleared up? Or have they just decided to walk up to you and say: "Flexible? Yes." like a smarmy git.
  14. Lies. Dirty LIES! I need to make more monies somehow...
  15. If you get a few posts in a row about it, it'll be split. It's amazing Jordan's Dismay wasn't given a C-section. So they say A, contract says B, how does this figure into your wanting certain Saturdays off because you initially thought it was flexible? Does this pr0 in your favour?
  16. My day is sexier. I'm watching Attack of the Clones whilst polishing my shelves [not a metaphor sadly], ready for work at 7. It's going to be mega wank.
  17. Made of Win cheated. Speaking of formation, where can I change it? I thought it was on the tactics page but I can't seem to find it.
  18. Could we have a team roster here maybe in the first post? I know who some of the teams are in the leagues but not all.
  19. Especially if those pedestrians have modesty scarves, it is a very interesting subject.
  20. Yeah, but not like 100 purple coins on Dreadnought Galaxy, I can't do it, it frustrates me too much. I've tried holding the nunchuk on its side and it doesn't work FUCK YEAH. Bowser Jnr. was an abortion on the series. What you need is something slightly simialr to 64, but in Daisy's castle.
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