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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I want to see what you look like when the scab disease takes over you Suresh. People like my hair short, it's more manageable and cuts down on it falling out more obviously.
  2. Are there only 4 series'?
  3. Is this Battlestar Galatica worth getting? This square-headed man is making me nevrous. Also, those who have bought this, have you bought the original?
  4. Classic. I only managed to get to Reptile once and properly ruin his shit.
  5. But did you make it sexy Paj [Or decent with your role?]
  6. Which ass?!
  7. You try to watch a Pirate version of Watchmen and the sound it about 10 seconds out of synch... disgraceful service.
  8. Not being considered?
  9. Any reason? I did have names for children... but I've forgotten them
  10. At this present moment in time, I'm not feeling having kids. Seeing what my nephew has become, a disobedient little shit who gives a shit eating grin when he tried challenging you: Harry: *moving towards the door* I'm going outside. Moi: No you're not. (Harry opens the door, a pr0 hand closes it) Harry: *shit eating grin* (Harry tries opening the door but the pr0 hand of EEVIL hasn't moved) Moi: Get back in the living room. I think he likes the feeling of splitting threads up like this.
  11. So you don't get to feel her up... You're being ripped off here my man. I feel that, it's weird seeing some of my friends [even my brothers' friends in the year below me] are married and have shat out some infants. Another thing I've found weird, is that the girls that everyone wanted in those days, they've properly ballooned up now [in a reverse Monica], and some of the ones which considered "ugly" are actually looking quite tasty. And are possibly, becoming bigger sluts than the former mentioned girls were in the days of yore.
  12. All you've been doing is making cakes. Jim needs someone to help expel his load sometime! For some reason, reading this reminded me of the Cartman remix The Body of Christ. The body of Christ, sleek swimmer's body, all muscled up and toned! The body of Christ, Oh, Lord Almighty, I wish I could call it my own!
  13. £12 from Hyperama, a bargain whichever way you look at it.
  14. So the league starts next Tuesday it seems, I have a friendly on Friday. Oooh Richters V. Recall on the 24th, a Party for sure.
  15. Sweet God no!
  16. It seems to be affecting threads with shitloads of pages.
  17. I'm going tell you how my day went as this thread likes. I went to work today and I took some pictures today. That's how my day went, my day was alright. And I shall post them today and you can marvel at how blurry they are. Becks Which has Vier running up and down. Carling Strongbow Ugly remixed.
  18. How were we meant to think otherwise?
  19. I just found this: Cut to about a minute in and marvel at how timeless this scene is with humourous slow motion. It's so sinister!
  20. Exactly, back to the hostel you two ruffians!
  21. It's weird I agree, but it only seems that Dan looks "in place" in that photo, it's like the lobby of some hotel, and two student squatters have come in to ask to use their boiler room for the night.
  22. I cancelled the Perry album. The fact I didn't like her new single, the fact that every other item in the order was ready to be dispatched and the comment here I have considered a trinity sign. But I come bearing an even better gift. I treat my tastebuds too well. I really do.
  23. Just noticed it's happened to me also. I can assure you pages 427 and 428 did not exist when this print screen was taken.
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