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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I remember Astaroth.
  2. I think we should have some charity boxes: "Buy a forum member Total Recall" Unlike some of them, this won't be a scam.
  3. Is that their new quirk? I've only seen the first one where the news wouldn't shut up about chasing the couch through Venice.
  4. The Simpsons have been "... alright" for the past 5ish years.
  5. My brother is also a bell end. Our grandma isn't that great at the moment, and mum goes down to Manchester to see her every so often. My brother said he wanted to go down with mum and see her ["one last time"], which was today. Yesterday as usual, he goes off with one of his mates and fondles his balls or whatever happens in that sausage fest. Mum phones up asking if he's going to come along, he comes out with the pretentious bullshit "Well I didn't promise did I?"
  6. Fucking right. I bought it him.
  7. You pay a quid to win the lottery, you don't win. You lost a quid.
  8. Ask the Brothers Paradox.
  9. Image tags Moogle, we're too lazy!
  10. I feel that, I just don't feel there is a need for analysis. But you know I love you and would never stand in the way of your dreams... Lord knows if I did you'd never listen, after all we've been through I thought you would respect my boundaries a little but noooooo... I'm upsettings. I'm still in awe of your pr0 lexicon, something of which I've been meaning to ask you about. ANYWAYS!
  11. My conclusion would be "I think that's [colour]", why? "Because" Just doing this now, doing it in paint because it seems an amazing pain in the arse to fill something in photoshop. I know I'm missing something...
  12. I've heard none of this, can someone break it down for me?
  13. They just sit at the typewriter, and hit the keys... getting them in the right order... that's the trick.
  14. I love the way she sold herself out. To begin with she was this "I'm so alternative, I'm going to talk about how selfish I am [Complicated] and skaters... I mean sk8r Boi's. Down with conventional shit!" Then Girlfriend came out.
  15. Why can't they put this stuff back where it came. Bollocks to Dave!
  16. I fail to see how you'd have fun doing statistical analysis on this. But baby we all have our quirks
  17. Like my emotionless voice?
  18. The fact is, all this equality being said [which I agree with totally], the bloke will probably still end up paying 90% of meals etc.
  19. So c'mon Dyson, what's the update. Talk to me.
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