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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I'm not sure how infinite power makes for good reading with regards to plot.
  2. I'll do that. I can't be bothered to buy the book, wait for said book, and trawl for what people seem to be able to complete in two days yet mention how disjointed the whole book is set out, with fake[?] news clippings etc. I assume his voice is like the bullshit gravely sound produved by Bale?
  3. I feel that, plus I've seen HD, to be honest, I don't see the point... I get the fact that Indiana Jones doesn't shave properly, but bragging that by spending an extra whatever quid I can see the individual hairs... to be honest, I don't give a shit.
  4. Looks oh-so-similar to Sony's Brand New Stupid Piece Of Shit...
  5. So kinda like the shoulder angel/devil, but this guy does stuff.
  6. So long as he knows it's your final offa.
  7. He does a bargain hunt thing... He's going to sell them at auction for profit.
  8. A pale imitation of the EEat with EEVIL series.
  9. Just walk up to him... it's so simple. Say the following... Seventy-five pounds.... Deal? Or No Deal?
  10. A bright shine to my wank day. I get up earlyings to get the train to London, pr0 walking marathon to get my shit together for the embassy. Turns out you can't take keys or belts [Nicely put in brackets as (yes, those holding up your trousers!)], yet some did manage to sneak belts in past the mp5 armed guards. When I get in, despite them knowing I'm a sexy epi, having signed forms from my doc, they want me to visit one of their own medical personnel. Thus my application for a visa is put on standby, wankers. Which means I have to go back to London to see their team [lazy fuckers] making it another £64 train, plus I have to pay them £120... It's bullshit. ¬_¬ Just had a thought, I might be able to use my HC2 form [which gives me free medical shit because I'm poor (such as my meds)] to my advantage...
  11. I'm off to London! About to get registered on the USA's amazing criminal/citizen system.
  12. I think what he meant was that he was crying the night away since they could only get a piss poor tribute band.
  13. Go out and get it. I'm not buying you this as well.
  14. One drink? You're cheap as chips darling.
  15. I prefer the 3rd.
  16. I saw the advert for that today. I must confess, I was quite temptedings myself.
  17. Look for a new one, and halve it. Or whatever fraction you can lower him down to.
  18. Could you try it the other way around?
  19. Do you think he'll actually do anything? His body doesn't look in any shape to dance, so he'll probably just stand there while people dance about him. Get that duo off Britain's Got Talent to show their moves.
  20. I tried rewatching Evangelion... it bored me again! I'm disappointed.
  21. Thought I might as well show my interpretation of your characters which I sent j00 a few daysings ago: http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c369/eevilmurray/Cast/Angelina007.jpg http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c369/eevilmurray/Cast/Angelina008.jpg
  22. On the subject of cock sucking, my brother told me today how one of his friends [who's gone to Australia for a bit] has had a few BJ's off another friend who is gay. Yet it seems to be up in the air for the first friend. Seems pretty obvious.
  23. Pictures, or you're lyings.
  24. I think this demeans women enough, you need to show this to your ex. Plus it's got genius Lazytown in it.
  25. I love this film. I'd probably put it as my favourite Bond film, with The World Is Not Enough coming at a close second.
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