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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Party at Richters will become part of the main league. Amazing prediction.
  2. Most likely. It's always good to start off letters like these with a film quote: "Howdy stranger, this is Hauser. If things have gone wrong I'm talking to myself and you've got a wet towel round your head."
  3. Apparently that doesn't matter. I've challenged LazyBoy to a match, assuming he accepts today, when does the match take place? Or the league matches ?
  4. That doesn't answer my question
  5. What are you trying to say Bitch I will! Help me into the game a lil, waddai hafta do?
  6. I've gotten pr0 sneaky on trying to sort my brother out. After being pimpsmacked with 140 hours of community service, which he does on Monday & Tuesdays. The boy has suddenly said he's thinking of joining the army. This means that there's no point in looking for a job because he doesn't want to get a job only to quit it. This would make sense if: A] He even gets into the army, B] Actually did something about joining the army. He knows where to go to apply, but can't be bothered. Commitment to Queen and Country displayed in true fashion. Personally I don't think he'd make it, he's too much of a lazy prick to be honest. However he's recently gotten himself a girlfriend... Why get a girlfriend if he'd be moving away to join the army? He thinks she'd wait for him [Hahaha] So I sent her a message asking her to sort him out, convince him to get a job and finally sort his shit out, instead of doing fuck all. Since he doesn't listen to anyone at home with the voice of reason, I'm hoping the voice of someone who gives him rim jobs will persuade him better. God I'm good.
  7. I've just registered. I hope it's not as complicated as all the text that comprises the rules makes it out to be.
  8. Remix it with a bit of moist glue and incorporate it into your wallpaper.
  9. I'm sure a load of recipts will look just as good on your wall...
  10. You displeased because you can't show off the cardboard rectangles that are cinema tickets on your wall anymore?
  11. People do act/say/shag/etc differently when drunk. As known it pimpsmacks inhibitions and the like, implying that the truth will come out more willingly when drunk than sober [scientific fact I hear]. What I'm saying is, see if you can have a word when you're both a little hammered. None of you charging through the crowd and shouting at the bar or whatever, follow Jay's circle of life everything happens for a reason thing, you run into each other on the stairs. BAM. Convo start.
  12. The Predator one is even funnier. http://ventriloharassment.org/41-50.htm
  13. You mentioned in the messy room/house topic you didn't leave your house like that kitchen picture Jay? Yet you didn't manage to uncover that colourful piece of bread? C'maahn, don't bullshit us.
  14. Most sketch shows are now sadly. Some of his work in Harry Enfield and Chums was good, but alot of his material in the originally titled Harry Enfield's Television Programme, was genius. English for Aliens and the Playboys will always have a warm place in my heart. Here's another classic, at the first Fun I crack up.
  15. Going through the entire series of Friends, they weren't as on and off as you might think. For about 6 seasons they did fuck all except feel jealous when the other went out with someone. And Ross was right, they were on a break.
  16. What happened in the first HD episode? I can't even remember, it must not have been good.
  17. Someone else get this guy a copy.
  18. It mentions there would be people around, just not looking.
  19. I just caught the last episode on iPlayer, where Sylar finds Microwave Boy, last time you posted here was ep9, did they explain any of this in the episodes you since watched? Or did I miss the last few episodes of the previous series which explained this? They really should think about the title. None of them are heroes.
  20. ... Fuck's sake... I can sometimes appreciate it on the delightful macros you see about. But that's just wrong.
  21. Because that's all it normally is. What makes it different? Because watching football is better than a manager sim.
  22. I probably will later, might be fun [as football can be] for a few days. Seems like a football manager game, is it so?
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