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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Don't we have a Dazz or similar here already?
  2. Which one was it this time? They're doing something like Jungle Fever at the moment, I know that's not the exact name. Even though it should be.
  3. Damn right. I also loved her selfishness in the song Complicated. I could be wearing your clothes whilst I was at it though. C'mon Ashley, embrace the infinite. Friends forevee?
  4. Just imagine the pain if the tazer landed where a wang once was.
  5. I think I may have seen some of the images you posted earlier, I won't go back and check as I might pr0 spoilerify myself.
  6. Lunar Eclipse. You know it makes sense.
  7. What do you think ReZ, j00 like?
  8. Although he's an idiot for doing so, you have to respect the fact he's a man of honour.
  9. I'm not dissing da style, it's pleasing on the eyes, I'm just saying that it's not as ejaculation worthy as you're making it sound. Wub?
  10. Daniel Daredevil.
  11. Reminds me of that story where the woman bit off a blokes tongue mid snog.
  12. I've got Spiderman comics years old with the same new art style. It's nothing special. [i think anyway... ¬_¬]
  13. Choppah or Richter.
  14. Maybe, but I'm not going to be in a hurry. The concept is interesting, and I know they've based a fair few designs on pre-existing comic characters intentionally, but that doesn't make the whiff of unoriginality any less prominent. Like I said, it's interesting, but I think I can see how certain things are going to go.
  15. I got 2 minutes in and got bored. Does something happen in it?
  16. Finished the Ultimate Collection 1. Not alot to shout about.
  17. Yes, because I really believed her when she was making a stand against the mainstream shit and being such a rebel. I put my faith in her and this is how she repays me. I'd still plow her if I had the chance, but I'd only do it out of spite.
  18. That's meant to look like Keifer Sutherland?!
  19. It waaaas, wasn't just the primary function.
  20. Only in an fairground capacity.
  21. One thing I think we can all agree on, is that jam doughnuts are the shit.
  22. It's a clear improvement. Shear genius.
  23. The feeling is remixed back at you 100% my gringo. I'm not going to forget the Monster Munch debt though O_O
  24. They're reattaching it aren't they? He should be able to piss again surely. Getting it up again however... probably more complicated an operation.
  25. I like my food edited. So shouldn't be a problem for me.
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