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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. You don't think any of this is true? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096438/trivia
  2. Yeah, me and Ell found the truth on the Dictionary that is Urban. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=KBed Also, the chef at work has suddenly quit I heard last night, and came into work mega twatted, the boss had to "direct" him outside twice. HOWEVER! THE NEW DEVELOPMENT IS! Daddy phoned me up earlier saying that ex-chef was at Dad's pub last night [Dad wasn't working] and threatened to kill him. So Dad phones me up asking when he works so he can have a... a chat I had to deliver the bad news he wasn't working anymore, and after some contact with my coworker and a phonecall from the boss I learned he's been acting a drunken prat elsewhere and the police have been involved. Which is a shame because although he looks a bit "chavvy" he seemed a nice guy.
  3. Doesn't lower my disappointment.
  4. As much as I love Shawn Michaels, I can't believe they have that much "significant" material to spread it out over 3 DVD's. I'd wager you'll see alot of stuff being repeated. Plus I'm very disappointed in Shawn for getting involved with Triple H, since he's a mighty prick.
  5. Work was semi-normal. I do the most of the work whilst my coworker stands around with his limp dick in his hands talking to his former flatmate [who every week says he's going to ignore because he annoys him immensely, but then the ties of friendship and suspected bumlove appear once more.] But the fun came right at the end. Whilst asking people for their glasses as some enjoy taking the piss, I ask one group of women who came near the end so have nigh on full glasses. One of them took off her glasses and tried giving them to me. Another asked for five minutes so I said yeah. Came back five minutes later and they had nearly done: Me: *As lady was drinking* You've had five minutes, do eet naaow [said just like that] *Lady gives pr0 Me the glass and I put it on the bar and returns for the rest* Older Lady: *Points to landlord and friend with glasses* There are still people with glasses and you need a personality+ Me: That's the boss. Older Lady: Don't worry I will. Me: You will what madam? Older Lady: Don't worry about it. Forget it. Me: Ok *Walks off to get more glasses* + Awesome remark.
  6. You don't believe the trivia they have?
  7. You check the shit on IMDb too?
  8. Not as such. It's not as info providing as it seems.
  9. I don't think so... What do you mean by track?
  10. That sounds like a nice power for one to have, but not the one I possess. All I can do it see what someone else is looking at. Doesn't seem to be doing much, but this is my first Mafia game, it'll fall into place eventually
  11. That video seems a little dodgy, I bet he used his head to balance himself. I used to limbo, but my cock became too big and thus I became the pole itself.
  12. That's what you get for not cha-cha'ing real smooth down to the Post Office.
  13. Took me awhile to remember the name of this, but your Bounce idea was ringing a bell for me all day and I couldn't remember where from. But now I remember. Inkball!
  14. I've just been reading about our favourite show [due to a reference in another topic], which was cut down in its prime, we all know what televised gold I'm referring to - Gamezville. Taken from the Wiki * During an interview with GamesMaster Magazine about his new game show When Games Attack, Dominik Diamond declared that "Gamezville is the equivalent to eating your own shit, the producers must have thought 'Oh because we have black people in it must be street'". * Johnny Finch, producer of GamesMaster, was also asked about his opinion on Gamezville during an interview, and expressed: "I have more respect for suicide bombers than I do for the people who are involved with Gamezville... it's all fucking 'Yo mate...' I mean these guys can't even speak fucking English".
  15. Words can't describe how little I care about these. If there's something to be gained then I may do it. But I don't give a shit to go out of my way to do something and be told I've "won" 5G's for it [suddenly got a flashback to Gamezville], which have no use whatsoever.
  16. You're in luck, because as we both saw Bibleman has a quote for every occasion. Just look at that face, he aint taking shit from noone.
  17. Can we not just send our penis pictures to your rednikcam AT Hotmail DOT com account?
  18. It was so freaky they were coming out with that bullshit. Well in fact most religious shit is bullshit in itself. But the way these people tried to make it into entertainment was simply astounding.
  19. Doesn't help that he has a massive bottle of lube as well ¬_¬
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