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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. True, and much better than the shit you see going for album covers these days. I concur. Slightly edited, which I think works with the expression Ashley's showing. I jest of course, Ashley knows I wub him.
  2. You Have Been Watching. David Mitchell and Ben Miller made this much more pr0 than it has been.
  3. Keeps things simple, I like it. Much love.
  4. Don't bring me into this! I'm lost enough as it is.
  5. No I didn't. How is it conflicting? Both times I've stated my confusion
  6. I can watch people. I think. I'm not entirely sure myself.
  7. My turtles shirt arrived today, much impressed. The bag it came in had a pr0 design on it. Just got some new trainers too. I love shopping for trainers. I can be in and out the shop in less than ten minutes. Fuck you all.
  8. Time for some pr0 speculation, might as well try to get involved in this. Nightomb? Something's saying Lugia perhaps. Snorlax or Munchlax? Sounds like a Swampert swam past a Smeargle. Something attacked Swampert [Could be a Spiritomb/Haunter/Loudred/Exploud, and many more] and a Chansey/Blissey/Happiny saved the day?
  9. Take your NORMAL type like Jigglypuff Against the GHOSTLY Gengar the battle's real tough Yeah, thunderbolt's a great ELECTRIC attack 'Til you get GROUND down by a Marowak Don't you BUG me with a Caterpie For a FLYING type the win's easy Good Luck with Muk and POISON gas Make one wrong move and it'll kick your GRASS Reach higher with FIRE-go Flareon! Think twice about ICE to be number one WATER's in order if you wanna to be slick Mewtwo's the best bet when you get PSYCHIC Hitmonlee's the key for your FIGHTING mood And you can ROCK 'n roll with a Geodude Dratini comes first when you choose DRAGON But evolution's the solution if you're gonna win! Psychic, since I'm pr0 at manipulating people ¬_¬
  10. Milky tea isn't tea at all.
  11. I think it might've been Tank/Dozer's parents, as I remember Tank saying how he was home grown in the natural world.
  12. I'll join in. I've seen many a £50 note, especially by the cocky Asians down at the casino. And Asian students... They must keep them all in China or something. I have a £5 coin! I had two but I spent one on sweets years ago. Almost had a tricky day at work yesterday, met with the missus and some chums at another pub and was sitting outside where these complete tools were harassing some chaps for a ciggy, then when they got one wouldn't shut up saying that he was "sound as fuck" 100 times a minute. They smuggled in some of the Apple Smirnoff and I managed to get a taste of some with lemonade. They started bragging about their drug collections, whilst telling the other chap he was still sound as fuck. Apparently I looked like a stoner... "You got buds?" "No I don't do any of that, my brother does that..." "I don't give a fuck about your brother, no offence" [Oh yes, way to get into my good books.] THEN I was stupid enough to mention I had work in 20 mins and that I worked in a pub. Suddenly I owed them for the miniscule taste of their vodka and had to give them triple shots for the price of double, but only pay for a single. The logic behind this is they pay for a double, but I only ring it in as a single, keep the difference and serve them a double. THEN it became a quadruple shot: "Quadruples for singles? sound as fuck?!" I decided to retreat inside so they'd forget about me, being twatted as they were. Not long after my friend texted me saying they'd been kicked out and I could see there was a Coppa talking to them. The missus and I went back outside and we spent the rest of the time before I had to go to work insulting the little shits with the chaps they begged for a ciggy.
  13. I'm still confused as fuck. I know my power and been using it... but I don't know if it's doing anything useful.
  14. I'd like to know how it all got started, someone breaking out the Matrix, managing to save loads of people and create life as they remember it, out of probably nothing.
  15. And Yahoo! reads as a mounds of fun email. Which it really is. I thought it was depending on how you interpreted the words "Hang out"
  16. I've just come home from work and experienced that. The whole ending of "We'll let your shitty people live so you can die and save the Matrix" ia much empty.
  17. Although the story seems to piss on itself. The films aren't that bad when it comes to just mindless action.
  18. That or draw random shit a shade darker. Either way it seems to work with this robot.
  19. "That's what your mum said."
  20. I've been considering getting a tablets. I hate using a mouse for this, it's unnatural. Ine, how did you do your shading?
  21. What's teh secret Ine? How do you draw like that on teh PS?
  22. Good thing I use my Yahoo email with MSN.
  23. Depends on how much it stretches, I imagine there is a limit.
  24. I make tea in the cup. There's no point making a pot unless there's a shitload of people, otherwise you're being forced to drink quickly to make sure it's hot when you drink it. Otherwise it's a waste.
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