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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Bullshit mate! If people find a pain in their arse because they're scrolling through pictures in a picture topic then they deserve the pain. Times two!
  2. You say you're from the America United States, do they not have over there?
  3. You could've been high.
  4. I think I may have spilt beer on my Walkman and broken it. I've got it under my lamp to warm it up and hopefully get rid of the moisture, if it doesn't work I'll have to pull my amazing Reverse-Mini-Fridge-Switcharoo plan.
  5. Shirts can be buttoned and still need cufflinks. Oh, you mean buttoned sleeves? I agree muchly, cufflinks are expensive, unnecessary pieces of crap, noone ever notices them and a button does the job just as nicely, with less than half the effort of trying to get a cufflink in.
  6. pr0 pictures Flink. HOWEVER! Get rid of those spoiler tags, I don't want you to hide this gold.
  7. Did you at least get a handful of pencils? It smells lovely [not as lovely as a pet shop] and the stuff looks lovely. So you're not a fan of Toys R' Us either?
  8. Were you miffed they didn't tell you how many times they watched Trisha as well? C'mon man, it's not really your business which other people your friends hang out with, even if you know them too.
  9. Sounds like you're going to be more uncomfortable about it than your ex will. As Retro said you are making a mountain out of a molehill, you sure there aren't any residual feelings?
  10. GamesTM gave it a rocking 5/10 saying the 360 version offers better. YEAH! Bollocks to Sony.
  11. Why a new job? Like you said you liked the people there and as Ashley asked with the owner out of the picture would you go back? The company may be a little bitter, but I daresay your coworkers would understand that you're going for the throat and it's highly unlikely you'll get fired as a result of this. Then you could have an unlawful dismissal ammo to use.
  12. I haven't looked at it properly, but it reminds me of the Datadyne/Carrington Institute website they made for Perfect Dark. I just started this game today, most pr0. I'm at the point where you have to save the Commish from Harley. EDIT: Just got an email saying I've been refunded 46p for some preorder shit on this game, anyone else get one?
  13. Depends on the game really. My nephew kept harassing me to play "The Pokémon game on my DS", which was probably referring to Diamond/Pearl. I denied ever owning a copy, plus he wouldn't know what to do because he's too young and a bell end. He is however "capable" of playing Super Mario Bros DS, albeit craply.
  14. I thought not. You know what I mean though.
  15. That would be a different anagram. For yo' momma though: One Disgraceful Son = Tranny?
  16. It's on Zavvi [sold out, but legitimate] And technically on Play.
  17. My taste is irrelevant [Awesome as it may be], it's about the customers.
  18. One Dildo Smells Tropical.
  19. It's better than what some have done, just taken some pre existing images of shit and altered the colours.
  20. Here was the prototype design. I would've had them in a row doing the YMCA.
  21. I thought it was the Simpsons but didn't want to say.
  22. Aaaww shit, where are they from?
  23. That picture looks wank. Whether they look wank in reality is another matter.
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