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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. I really should get round to watching this sometime soon. I've always been meaning to, but ReZ's recent obsession with Bowies Bollocks have got me even more intrigued.
  2. I bet it's happening mainly in Essex, Derby and Nottingham.
  3. Haven't done this yet, but a pr0 opportunity to bring back some vintage Arnie pranks but your humble fabulous: http://www.youtube.com/user/DerekWheatley
  4. I'd love to see them use that as a defence. However they also know dick about mandatory work breaks, and discriminate me for not having a nicotine addiction.
  5. What pencils did you get Tales? I'm wondering if you've been ripped off.
  6. Awesome work Ashley, so the Disc Jockey position is available? Called the National Minimum Wage helpline today, I'm starting to get serious on my bosses being complete pricks. I really don't understand why they're taking the piss like this. They claim to have been in the business for nigh on 20 years and yet I know more about workers' rights than they do.
  7. I'm not saying I find it a plus, I think I'm going to have to switch back for the time being, as I can't be bothered to highlight the majority of coloured text just to read it.
  8. I think I'm at the end, it feels as if the controls have been edited somewhat, earlier on when a chap was down on the floor I'd press Y & B and it'd finish them off. Now it seems impossible except when a prompt comes on screen, plus they make a bigger show that the enemy is on the floor but not knocked out. I almost got killed by two loonies because it wouldn't work. EDIT: Christ that felt like a short game.
  9. Don't you lure the grunts in the way and let Bane plow into them?
  10. Has anyone had someone they know beg them for money over Facebook? Someone who I barely spoke to in junior school had something about wanting someone to lend her a tenner as her status, I later got a message asking for a fiver, and last night got another message asking for 3 quid. In practice it's not a bad scheme if many friends agree to the lendings. She's a weird lass at the best of times.
  11. I don't personally, I just couldn't be bothered taking on 8 at once. I did try using it again shortly after but with electric water, but he just wouldn't pull them.
  12. Just had a lovely time after meeting Poison Ivy, 8 guards were waiting for me on the other side of a wide pit, so I Batclawed them on my side over the edge. Genius.
  13. Fox boring? Heresy!
  14. Although I can't say with much authority, I am fairly confident he has.
  15. One of the few adverts out there which doesn't blow. Genius.
  16. Wow... That's almost exactly what I was implying. Also the shade of red admins have in their username has gone quite dark, it's almost as bad as the green.
  17. I saw that earlier, I'm wondering what the point was. Is it that he actually killed someone?
  18. This is the shit. Moving mouths on the links: Sexy. One issue I'm having, not sure if anyone else is, but green staff names are almost blending in with the gray. EDIT: It's happening with me with green text in general, for example the green in my signature isn't that readable. On the flipside some people might find it a plus that ReZ's posts won't be all that visible.
  19. None of you are mentioning the pencils! Have they stopped having buckets of them around anymore?
  20. I must ask about one riddle
  21. Is that just the thing where you run around not doing much just avoiding his gaze?
  22. Because a Full Stop is the British Way!
  23. Chaaa-Bok-ah! My arse is surprisingly pain free. So don't worry about the rest :awesome: And we all love seeing you and Ine without having to click. Can I get a hell yeah from the people in the house.
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