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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Is that the freak with the monocle?
  2. That's what it felt like!
  3. Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince Pretty shit as the Potter movies have gone. Two and a half hours long and had a slow and boring finish with a slow and boring end. Always worth seeing Ginny though... Fuckin' love redheads. Draco Malfoy = Emo pussy in this film.
  4. It wasn't that great when they suddenly jumped X years into the future and had Enzo and that orange whore suddenly grown up. Not happy.
  5. Oh no, he revealed it by saying he wanked off the average crowd. http://uk.tv.yahoo.com/12092009/19/illusionist-brown-lottery-trick.html So much bullshit here it hurts.
  6. Christ... I was beginning to think I was the only one with the right mind on this.
  7. Son of a bitches...
  8. I had to crank the sound up, the music almost drowned the man's voice out at the end in his first sentences.
  9. And if they're going to have Kakariko Village in this incarnation, to not make it look like a shithole.
  10. Frank Langella did a most pr0 job with it.
  11. I'm still annoyed they didn't show Daylight when it was meant to be on 8 years ago.
  12. He joined 2 years ago Either way, I don't collect sealed games. I have some sealed games which I won and don't really plan on playing. But if I buy a game, I buy to play it.
  13. The Hopper Massive. Deacon. Koopa.
  14. I concur, I didn't even consider applying to either Nottingham University when I chose my selection. I wanted to move away [not too far, which is why I ended up in Leicester, a swift train ride home] and experience quasi-independent living.
  15. I just got an email saying I can get the original Metroid too. Which I must say I'm not that fussed about as when I tried playing it on an emulator it was horrible. On the subject of Nintendo Stars thing, how does one find their "rewards", y'know, the wallpapers and other shizzle you get for registering a game. The layout of the website seems to have changed since the last time I visited.
  16. Link's Awakening?
  17. Blood Bowl was awesome when they brought it out as a physical game.
  18. There are some Zelda games which barely/don't feature Zelda, do they displease you also?
  19. Most displeased with the TV guide. They said Robocop 2 was on last night and they lied. Instead we got some dodgy Segal film.
  20. My best mate went to Manchester, I went to visit him once. Seemed an alright place.
  21. Would've gotten further than 4% though chap, now that's pr0 speed.
  22. Waddaya means?
  23. I'm sure it wasn't just your suspected behaviour. No doubt s/he asked people for directions to a product/"checking in the back", and the response there was wank. Wassamatta with your pay? Same bullshit they've pulled on me?
  24. If they'd sent it over MSN it wouldn't have been a problem.
  25. I completed it earlier, 66ish% in 11ish hours. Didn't bother not saving it, as I know I wouldn't bother going through everywhere looking for the last lil upgrades. I never really needed as much of the shizzle I found. Started Echoes, hope I'll do better than I did on the cube [Got bored looking for the keys], plus I'm liking the more "obvious" scanning methods.
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